To reduce my foot/ass print some more, I am turning my cell phone off too.
Best wishes to everyone who still reads here. Thank you for your friendship.
Peace and struggle,
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A Palestinian worshipper who was prevented from reaching the Al-Aqsa mosque prays outside Jerusalem's Old City on Friday while Israeli forces stand guard in the background. Seeking to head off further unrest, police limited access to the city's holiest site, and Israel's military sealed off the West Bank for 48 hours, preventing Palestinians from entering Israel. Police allowed only men over 50 to pray Friday at the shrine at the center of the disturbances, the Jerusalem compound Jews call the Temple Mount and Muslims call the Noble Sanctuary. There were no limitations on women.
"Those songs are part of our history and we're not going to be forced to erase that history."What utter crap! Mantashe and Malema are both being disingenuous.
"The slogan 'kill the farmer, kill the boer' as chanted at an ANC youth rally in Kimberly and at (Peter) Mokaba's funeral is hate speech as defined in Section 16 (2) (c) of the Constitution."Govender added that though South Africa was a democracy that supported free speech it was important to note that free speech does not include the right to advocate "hatred" or "harm" against a "group of people".
'You all must realise that Mandela was not the only man who suffered. There were many others, hundreds who languished in prison and died.She is right for reminding us that Mandela is not the central figure in the anti-apartheid struggle.
'Mandela did go to prison and he went in there as a young revolutionary but look what came out.
'Mandela let us down. He agreed to a bad deal for the blacks. Economically we are still on the outside. The economy is very much "white".
"I did not give Ms Naipul any interview. Any further questions about the content of that fictitious interview should be addressed to her."I guess asking her directly would be out of the question.
"Bo are thought to have lived in the Andaman Islands for as much as 65,000 years, making them the descendants of one of the oldest human cultures on Earth."There are other Great Andamanese tribes but the total number of survivors is only 52.