Friday, November 27, 2009

IOL News: "Dad forced to search through dead babies"

A father has today written to the Minister of Health complaining about the treatment of his pregnant wife and how after their baby son died he had to search through 40 dead babies to find his child at Johannesburg's Coronation Hospital.
Read the rest of the article here.

Comment: This is heartbreaking! Have we become so heartless, so depraved?

Before President Zuma became president, and before he was charged with rape and then controversially acquitted, he was put in charge of what is termed "moral regeneration".

He obviously failed. In total.

Still, I wonder how much "moral regeneration" is needed in Mzansi? What will it take to bring back the idealized shine so many struggled for, and too many died for?

How many more tragedies like this before we step back and ask serious questions about our make-up?

I was shocked to read this article but not surprised.

Life in South Africa, like the state of nature Hobbes described, has become violent, brutish, and short.

Our state hospitals are in an absolute shambles. Our social services and just about every other aspect of public life is held hostage to thievery and corruption that rivals the era of white rule.

And, even while we speak of service delivery the most visible delivery has been a fast-tracking of fat-cat status to political elites who dicker over personal expense packages and million rand luxury cars.

F*ck Affirmative Action and Black Empowerment! And save me the sh*t about the white man and his racism!

We have been corrupted in total and the masses lay impoverished, still!

What 'freedom' lives and feels like this?

What's going on before we take up arms again?


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