I see that Ms. Thing finally went on her dream date with Jackie Jackson after all these years. Nice. When are you Negroes going to try and get me a hook up with Lark? That's the least you could do for a brotha toiling out here in the fields. You mean to tell me that not one of you people know Lark? Or, someone who knows someone who knows her?
Anyway, enough of that. Now on to some more serious matters: I see that a certain wingnut "bloviator" still has O man assassination issues. What gives, here? I mean this has been going on for awhile with this guy. I know I know, if you say it enough and all that stuff, but this is beginning to become a dangerous obsession. Hey Glenn, I don't hear the dog whistle, but I am sure that somebody out there does.
This post is from Jerry Bowles, who seems a lot angrier about this than I am:
"If you check the Google and Twitter trend charts, one of the hottest viral memes running around the internet right now is the Biblical verse Psalm 109:8 which has started popping up on bumper stickers and t-shirts with the seemingly harmless directive to Pray for Obama. Sounds benign enough and the verse itself seems to be a harmless piece of rightwing wishful thinking: "May his days be few, may another take his office."
Where it becomes seditious and anti-American are the lines that immediately follow that one:
“May his children be fatherless
and his wife a widow.
May his children be wandering beggars;
may they be driven from their ruined homes.”
Friends, it does not get any uglier than this. As Frank Schaeffer, author of Patience with God: Faith for People who Don’t like Religion or Atheism, said on the Rachel Maddow show:
"...This is the American version of the Taliban. The Taliban quotes the Qu'ran, and al Qaeda quotes certain verses in the Qu'ran, in or out of context, calling for jihad, and bloody war, and the curse of Allah on infidels. This is the Old Testament, Biblical equivalent of calling for holy war. Now, most Americans'll just see the bumper sticker and smile and think that it's facetious. Unfortunately, there are 22 million Americans or so who call themselves super-conservative evangelicals. Of this, a small minority might be violent. But, the general atmosphere here is really getting heated.
And what surprises me is that responsible, if you can put it that way, Republican leadership and the editors of some of these Christian magazines, etc. etc., do not stand up in holy horror and denounce this. You know, they're always asking 'Where is the Islamic leadership denouncing terrorism? Why aren't the moderates speaking out?' Well, I challenge the folks who I used to work with... I would just say to them: 'Where the hell are you? This is not funny anymore. And be it on your head if something happens to our President..." [Link]
Anyway, enough of that. Now on to some more serious matters: I see that a certain wingnut "bloviator" still has O man assassination issues. What gives, here? I mean this has been going on for awhile with this guy. I know I know, if you say it enough and all that stuff, but this is beginning to become a dangerous obsession. Hey Glenn, I don't hear the dog whistle, but I am sure that somebody out there does.
This post is from Jerry Bowles, who seems a lot angrier about this than I am:
"If you check the Google and Twitter trend charts, one of the hottest viral memes running around the internet right now is the Biblical verse Psalm 109:8 which has started popping up on bumper stickers and t-shirts with the seemingly harmless directive to Pray for Obama. Sounds benign enough and the verse itself seems to be a harmless piece of rightwing wishful thinking: "May his days be few, may another take his office."
Where it becomes seditious and anti-American are the lines that immediately follow that one:
“May his children be fatherless
and his wife a widow.
May his children be wandering beggars;
may they be driven from their ruined homes.”
Friends, it does not get any uglier than this. As Frank Schaeffer, author of Patience with God: Faith for People who Don’t like Religion or Atheism, said on the Rachel Maddow show:
"...This is the American version of the Taliban. The Taliban quotes the Qu'ran, and al Qaeda quotes certain verses in the Qu'ran, in or out of context, calling for jihad, and bloody war, and the curse of Allah on infidels. This is the Old Testament, Biblical equivalent of calling for holy war. Now, most Americans'll just see the bumper sticker and smile and think that it's facetious. Unfortunately, there are 22 million Americans or so who call themselves super-conservative evangelicals. Of this, a small minority might be violent. But, the general atmosphere here is really getting heated.
And what surprises me is that responsible, if you can put it that way, Republican leadership and the editors of some of these Christian magazines, etc. etc., do not stand up in holy horror and denounce this. You know, they're always asking 'Where is the Islamic leadership denouncing terrorism? Why aren't the moderates speaking out?' Well, I challenge the folks who I used to work with... I would just say to them: 'Where the hell are you? This is not funny anymore. And be it on your head if something happens to our President..." [Link]
Relax Jerry, he isn't as powerful anymore, maybe they will leave him alone now.
Finally, in my ongoing effort to be "fair and balanced", I would like to leave you with a commentary from a black republican that someone sent me. (h/t Mike)
"The message from voters in the 2010 election was two-fold: a rejection of President Barack Obama's job-killing Socialist agenda and a denunciation of the Democratic Party's divisive politics of race-baiting. The accusation by Democrats that the Republican Party is a racist party was exposed, once again, to be absolutely false when these three black Republicans, shown below, won their elections and were added to the long list of black Republicans already serving in elected positions in multiple states at various levels of government. Newly elected to Congress are Tim Scott in South Carolina and Allen West in Florida. Also in Florida, Jennifer Carroll became that state's lieutenant governor, the first black woman Republican ever elected to this position. These victorious candidates received scant media coverage since they contradict the image promoted by Democrats that the Republican Party is racist.
During the election, Obama and his fellow Democrats tried to avoid the political tsunami by resorting to acts of desperation, including scraping the bottom of the Democratic Party's racist barrel. Blacks in Florida were startled and incensed when former President Bill Clinton, at the apparent behest of Obama, tried to get black Democrat U. S. Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for U. S. Senate and endorse white Gov. Charlie Crist, the one-time Republican who ran as an independent after withdrawing from the Republican Party primary. There would have been a firestorm of charges of racism by the liberal media and black civil rights organizations, such as the NAACP, had a white Republican tried to force a black Democrat out of a race for any elected office.
So, what was a focus for the NAACP during the 2010 election? That once great organization was busily digging its own grave of irrelevancy by issuing a bogus and racially incendiary report written by far left wingers in the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. That report falsely accused the Tea Party activists of being racist because they oppose Obama's socialist agenda and want to reduce the size of our government, cut spending and keep our taxes low. Without a doubt, the NAACP report was a blatant attempt to get black voters to the polls by stirring up hatred against their fellow white Americans who Obama described as "the enemy." [More]
Tap tap, skip. Tap tap, skip. You hear that Obama? Leave those good "white Americans" alone, or those dog whistles could get louder.
I love this country.
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