Congrats to the tan-man; it looks like he will be taking over from Lady Pelosi as the speaker of the house. That sound you hear is country and western music while red state A-merry-ca dances on the O man's metaphoric grave.
We are an impatient lot we A-merry-cans; his O ness wasn't moving fast enough to undo eight years of W, so his party had to pay. And pay they did. As of the field writing this post, the repubs already have a fifty seat pick up in the house, and they are three up in the senate. (Congrats to Tim Scott. Being the first black repub elected from the south since reconstruction is a big deal.) Here in Pistolvania it's still too close to call in all the major races. --It looks like some of you Negroes in Philly actually came out and voted, so it's not a runaway for the R's just yet.
Rand Paul is a projected winner. And so is the hottest thing out of Cuba since cigars; Macro Rubio. -He is the new darling of the wingnut crowd.- They are both already planning to change Washington as we know it. Good luck with that. (Thank god the voting rights act was already renewed) And, as was to be expected, the Wicked Witch of Delaware went down. Apparently she wasn't like enough of us. Former Iggle, John Runyan, might win across the river in Jersey (I swear you people in Jersey need to have your heads examined. John Runyan couldn't memorize Andy Reid's playbook, and you are sending him to Washington to represent your interests?)
Still, flashback two years ago and I bet a scene like this was far removed from the mind of his O ness. He could not have seen this coming. It seems like only yesterday that we were all crying and "kumbayaing" each other while we chanted "yes we can". No more. Politics is all about passion, and the majority of A-merry-cans aren't passionate about their politics. They are too busy trying to keep up with each other to worry about something as insignificant as a political philosophy or ideology. Their vote depends on their pocket books and what they see on commercials. And the guy with the most money controls the message. Hell, the guy with the most money can start a phony grass roots movement and watch it grow.
In the next few weeks you will be hearing a lot about this election. You will hear about A-merry-ca being a center to right country. You will hear that this was a referendum on Obama's policies, and that A-merry-cans got tired of the spending in Washington, blah blah blah. Don't believe a word of it. This was about a party out of power passionately trying to get it back, and succeeding by tricking ordinary A-merry-cans into thinking that they all had the same goals. It was about a few (not all) people in the majority population who suddenly became passionate about politics because of the complexion of the occupants in the people's house. It was about an orchestrated campaign from day one by certain media outlets to drive up ratings with phony and slanted stories, and creating a rabid foam at the mouth opposition to an administration that was led by the perfect boogey man.
So congrats tan-man, I look forward to your reign. But just remember; as long as we are still free to speak our minds in A-merry-ca, I will be here speaking mine. The next two years should be fun.
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