Saturday, May 29, 2010

Not all religions are created equal.

If they weren't the ones who blew up our buildings and killed our people in the "Big Apple" we probably wouldn't have a problem with one of them winning Ms. USA. But, it was one of them, so we do have a problem. Yup, these same folks want to build a place of worship close to that very spot. There is just so much tolerance a good A-merry-ca can take.

And, just to make sure that those of us who don't have problem see that we should, we are going to try and state our case right smack dab on the side of some city buses:

Motown has no use for the anti-Muslim ads plastered across the sides of buses in New York City.

Detroit's SMART bus system has rejected the button-pushing placards that read "Fatwa on your head? Is your community or family threatening you? Leaving Islam?" - and direct Muslims to a Web site urging them to leave the "falsity of Islam."
"It's a purely anti-Muslim hate issue," Dawud Walid of the Council on American-Islamic Relations told the Detroit News on Friday.

"The SMART bus company, or any bus company, should not be used to marginalize a minority group."

Defenders of the ads, dreamed up by Manhattan-based right wing blogger Pamela Geller and the New York-based Stop the Islamization of America, say it's a free speech issue and they have sued.

"Americans have a right to know the truth; Islam is a religion of intolerance and violence," said Michigan lawyer Richard Thompson, who filed the suit.

Yes, that's what you say Mr. Thompson; but are they alone? I am not so sure.

And finally, before I go back to watching my fly guys play soccer on ice with the boys from "The Chi." I have a couple of other things on my mind:

First, it's important to remember that it's not only conservatives and right wingnuts who struggle with prejudice and ignorance. Sometimes liberals have issues as well. The latest example is my man Bill Maher. (h/t Miranda) I usually agree with Bill on most things, but my man really needs to broaden his horizons a little bit. Bill, not all black folks like to pack gats. Lay off the MTV Raps a little bit. Wow! First Beck now this guy. This oil spill is really bringing out the worst in folks.

Second, speaking of oil spill; I see that BP's latest plan to plug the leak in the Gulf failed. Oh oh, it could be a long summer. Just remember these two words, O man: Stay engaged.

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