So the elections are over in A-merry-ca and all the pundits are out with their two cents. The general consensus seems to be-as I said in my post last night- that A-merry-cans are fed up with incumbents and the people in Washington.
Specter went down, but contrary to what you might have heard elsewhere, it was to be expected. Those of us here in Pistolvania know that the dems were ready to kick Arlen to the curb because of his history as a republican, and the stench of political opportunism that followed him everywhere he went. So there is nothing to see here A-merry-ca, move along.
The tea party folks are feeling a little full of themselves, but they shouldn't. Not after what happened in Pistolvania yesterday. Tea party wingnut, Sam Rohrer, got his ass handed to him by a guy named Tom Corbett in the republican primary for the governor's office. And the same can be said for their senate candidate, Peg Luksik, who also went down hard.
Will the teabaggers affect republican politics in the coming years? Of course they will. But only republican politics. The folks in the tea-party movement were damn near all republicans to begin with, and they weren't going to vote for the democratic candidate regardless.
I also know that the baggers are chirping over Rand Paul's win in Kentucky. But honestly, I don't know why. The guy had millions of dollars worth of free air time on Radio Rwanda and he was running against some clown who was hand picked by Mitch McConnell. Oh, and by the way, the democratic candidate, Jack Conway, had more votes in his primary than Mr. Paul.
" We have come to take our government back," he said in his victory speech, drawing thunderous applause from his supporters. "It's just a tremendous mandate for the Tea Party," he said. "It cannot be overstated that people want something new. They don't want the same old, same old politicians and I think they think the system is broken and needs new blood."
Easy there Rand, slow your roll. The people might want "something new", but there is nothing new about the tea party movement. We have seen this all before.
Finally, I want to talk about some really messed up crap going on in the Southwestern part of our country. (No, not the new Arizona law, or the beat down the Lakers gave the Suns) It involves racism against the real A-merry-cans, the only folks who can claim first dibs on this country.
"The Community Relations Commission in Farmington, New Mexico, is holding a special meeting today to discuss an incident in which a mentally challenged man from the Navajo Nation was branded with a swastika. The city started the commission in response to race-related incidents involving tribal members. The commission normally meets every month but decided to convene earlier in response to the latest case.
"I am very concerned about what has happened," Mayor Tommy Roberts told The Farmington Daily Times. Jesse Sanford, 24, William Hatch, 28, and Paul Beebe, 26, have been charged with first-degree felony kidnapping, second-degree felony conspiracy to commit kidnapping, third-degree felony aggravated battery causing great bodily harm and fourth-degree felony conspiracy to commit aggravated battery Beebe also faces fourth-degree felony tampering with evidence. The men are believed to be associated with white supremacist groups. In addition to branding a swastika on the victim and shaving a swastika into the back of his head, the men allegedly wrote "White Power" on the victim's body. " [Article]
Wait, I know I know; I should be more worried about young black thugs going to New Mexico and popping a Native A-merry-can's top over a drug deal gone bad.
Tell you what; as soon as that (or something even remotely similar ) happens, I promise I will blog about it.
h/t to Tiffany for bringing this story to my attention.
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