There are a couple of big elections going on here in Pennsylvania. One, of course, is for Arlen Specter's senate seat, and the other is for the seat recently vacated by the now deceased, John Murtha. It's a big deal to some. Elections with national implications they are saying. But honestly, I could care less.
It won't make a difference, there is an anti- incumbency mood in A-merry-ca and whoever is sitting in Washington now should be sweating more than Mike Tyson at a spelling bee. Dem or repub, it doesn't matter, A-merry-cans, for whatever reason, are angry. They think that they are losing their country and they don't like it.
And speaking of losing our country; unfortunately there is something more important and earth shaking going in in A-merry-ca right now. Thanks to corporate greed and and politrickster enablers, the Gulf Of Mexico is looking like the bottom of a frying pan at a southern fish fry. And sadly, it looks like it's getting worse. The folks over at BP have lied and covered up as long as they can, but now, as the saying goes, "the jig us up". Five thousand barrels of oil per day into the ocean is no joke. When this is all said and done Tony Hayward might rank right up there with O.J. as one of the most despised men in A-merry-can history.
Our conservative friends who want businesses to do their thing without any regulations should all be rethinking their positions right now. But of course we know that they won't. They would rather score cheap political points. An ecological disaster is right at our door step and if you think you hear crickets you might be right. But take heart my conservative friends, I have found a link with some talking points to help you folks get through this thing.
Of course the sound of crickets would actually be better than listening to this nut put his two cents into the mix.
"When do we ask the Sierra Club to pick up the tab for this leak?" Limbaugh asked, and then proceeded to answer. Here's his logic: The environmental group has been driving oil producers off the land to "way, way, way offshore," into more high-risk situations. According to Limbaugh, the oil companies have had no choice but to drill for oil one mile underwater."
Huh? On second thought, maybe elections are important after all.
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