Monday, August 2, 2010

Burn Qur'ans On 911

Last night I listened to a talk show here in Pretoria that sought to solicit views on a proposal by a Florida church that intends to burn Qur'ans on the 9th anniversary of 911.

The vast majority of folks who called in repudiated the plan.

Several Christian callers pointed out that the plan was not in keeping with the teachings of Jesus and Christianity.

Muslim callers were understandably appalled.

"It makes no sense to condemn Islam and its holy book in this way," said one Muslim caller.

I am not surprised though.

A few years ago when Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) showed support for the condemnation of Salman Rushdie's book "The Satanic Verses" a radio station staged a protest by bulldozing his records!

How swift hey?

They stood for the right to freedom of speech by destroying Yusuf Islam's recordings.

There is no reason in seeking reason inside of this kind of mania.

In a comment below a regular abuser here called me "anti-white" and "anti-Christian".

I am neither.

But why should that matter to an ignoramus who is led by his/her bigotry against Muslims and folks of color in general.

I have been here before.

I survived apartheid and I am still standing.

Those of us who know better must stand against the hateful attacks of idiots who want to burn Qur'ans in memory of 911.

Islam was not on those planes. Neither was I or those close to me.

To define my religion with such shallow thinking is telling.

Still, I hardly expect the insanity to stop.

The problem is that those idiots, and the ones who think that ranting against Muslims here is their duty, are incapable of seeing the complexity.


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