Saturday, August 28, 2010

I feel better already.

Tomorrow should be a great day in A-merry-ca. The churches will be full. Black folks will go to white churches and vice- versa. There will be none of this, or this, or this. It will be a new day. Why? Because we have restored our honor, and there has been a spiritual awakening. Thank you Glen Beckkk, we couldn't have done it without you.

I think Beckkk outdrew half of Rev. Inc. today, but that was to be expected, he does have millions of brain dead listeners and viewers every day for his media franchise. Poor half of Rev. Inc., he has to get it where he can. His radio show -god bless him- probably barely reaches a fraction of the audience that Beckkk has. So the numbers today didn't surprise anyone. (The wingnuts will tell you that there was enough people there to fill up every NFL stadium in A-merry-ca. Don't believe the hype.) I saw a melanin challenged AARP parade; I saw the guns and god crowd; and I saw the various slave catchers on stage jigging to keep the restless throng entertained. (Some of you Negroes will always have a place in A-merry-ca, because some white folks just love to be entertained by you. ) The race placement was in full effect. Indian? Check. Black? Check. Asian? Check. Latino? Check. I swear it looked like the "It's a Small World" exhibit at Disney World up on that stage. Now if the actual crowd only reflected the race placement diversity, they would have been on to something. Still, to be fair, some of you slave catchers saw the "I HAVE A SCHEME" rally for what it was, and you didn't bite. Good for you. You understood who the messenger was, and you couldn't, in good conscience, sit there and listen to the message that he delivered:

"This is a day that we can start the heart of America again,"... it has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with God. Everything [with] turning our face back to the values and the principles that made us great."

"Back to the values...that made us great"? You mean like the ones that said it's cool to enslave people because they weren't really people ? Those values? Sorry, I think I will pass. Whenever I hear certain folks talk about going "back" to the good ole days, it makes me a little nervous. I will just keep it pushing forward if you don't mind.

"I too have a dream," she said. "I have a dream that America will pray and God will forgive us our sins."

Alveda, now on that we can agree.

Overall it was a good day for a rally. The black parade didn't clash with the white one; white folks left chocolate city in one piece; and honor has been restored to A-merry-ca. I knew that some good would come out of Obama's presidency.

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