"In fact, there’s concern throughout Genesee County as police search for a knife-wielding man who has attacked 13 men since May, killing five.
Arnold Minor was killed Monday morning on South Saginaw near Burton on Flint’s south side in front of Deuces Wild Kustom motorcycle shop. The blood was there today.
“We’re just trying to get the word out to our friends and family,” said Rashandia Jones, a clerk at Diamond Cleaners, next to the bike shop. “Watch where you’re at.”
All of the victims have been black men, and the attacker is described as a younger white man with a muscular build. The victims have tended to be vulnerable — some with slighter builds, some older and each walking by himself. "
You brothers in Flint better start getting your workout on. And, if you are an old head, you better dig out that straight razor you have hidden away in the attic.
So it's official, Elena Kagan was confirmed today, and now we have three women as members of the supremes (Hmmmm, somehow that seems fitting). I guess his O ness can count this as a minor political victory. Lords knows he needs all the wins he can get. Kagen clerked for Thurgood Marshall, so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt until she proves me wrong.
I see Kanya West is styling with a look he calls "Rosewood" these days. Good for him. I like to see young brothers getting their sartorial side on. And if he sends the right message by reminding youngsters of their history, all the better. We need more high profile people to send these types of messages. The fact that someone in the hip hop community is taking that step makes it even more gratifying.
Finally, folks in A-merry-ca are criticizing Michelle Obama for taking her vacation over in Spain. Apparently some folks think that the First Lady is going overboard and letting being the First Lady get to her head.
"Andrea Tantaros has penned a scorching editorial for the New York Daily News deeming First Lady Michelle Obama a "modern-day Marie Antoinette" for her vacation in Spain with her daughter.
"The First Lady is spending the next few days in a five-star hotel on the chic Costa del Sol in southern Spain with 40 of her 'closest friends,'" Tantaros writes, pointing to a CNN report that Michelle Obama and her group are expected to occupy 60 to 70 rooms. "Not exactly what one would call cutting back in troubled times." [Article]
What's the matter with you Michelle? Don't you know that Negroes are supposed to vacation in Virginia Beach?

And now for some housekeeping business: Lots of e-mails from folks (and some comments) about some of the people who have been front and center in the comments section after my recent posts. Most of you don't like the acrimony and the rancorous nature of the folks commenting. And you sincerely believe that they are trolls who are on a mission to destroy and not to uplift. All I can say is I hear you. I detest censoring and I doubt I will ever do it, but I am considering moderating the comments section and not for the reasons that I am sure that most of you think: Let's just say it's external and not internal forces which are causing me to reconsider. I will leave it at that.
I promise that if I do go the moderation route I still will not censor anyone for their beliefs or their urge to call me the most foul thing that they can think of. Trust me, it will still be open season on whatever; there just might be less of it, that's all.
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