Friday, May 14, 2010

Robbie Tolan, you ain't no Will Smith.

I have said this before, and it is worth repeating for the purpose of this post: I think Orenthal J. Simpson murdered his wife and that young man on that tragic summer day in Los Angeles, California. And, I am sure, if most black folks are honest with you, they will tell you that they think he is guilty as well. That includes the black jurors who sat in judgement of him and found him not guilty.

White folks were fit to be tied after that verdict. They wondered how we could see what was clearly an overwhelming case for a murder conviction and find the man not- guilty. All that evidence-both circumstantial and direct-and yet he was found not guilty. How could those Negroes think that way?

Well, I will tell you how: It's because Negroes in A-merry-ca continue to see verdicts like that one down in Bellaire, Texas. How could a young man from a solid upper middle class family be shot in his own driveway? No weapon. No criminal record. Not committing a crime. Shot by a police officer -in a somewhat affluent suburb of Houston- who thought the young man was stealing his own damn car.

“As the jury’s finding clearly demonstrates, Sgt. Cotton acted in conformance and in full accordance with standard police training,” said Bellaire City Attorney Bill Helfand.

Yep, that would be Texas training for all of you in the other 49 states. See a suspicious black man, shoot first and ask questions later.

Of course, as is to be expected, black folks in the Houston area are pissed. But don't worry, I am pretty sure that they won't be going all L.A. on us. Those Negroes down south tend to be a little more laid back.

"Dozens of angry protestors gathered in front of the Bellaire Police Department, a day after Sgt. Jeffery Cotton was acquitted of shooting an unarmed black man named Robert Tolan."There is no such thing as the Fresh Prince of Bellaire in Bellaire Texas," said Community Activist, Deric Muhammad. "You are not safe in Harris County driving while black."Chanting "Rotten Cotton… has got to go", demonstrators were demanding that the officer not be allowed to return to work, and even made open threats against him and the police department."

The man's name is Cotton, you can't make this shit up, folks. "Fresh Prince in Bellaire"? That's the problem with you Negroes in A-merry-ca, you believe everything you see on TV.

“I thought he was pulling a gun to shoot me,” Cotton said. “The only option I had was to pull my weapon and fight back. If you wait to see the weapon, you’ve already been shot.”In prior testimony Thursday, both Tolan and his mother, Marian, said that Robbie never rose above his knees before being shot. Cotton disputed this Friday.“He jumped up,” said Cotton.After shooting Tolan in what Cotton considered self-defense, Cotton said: “I start checking him for weapons. When I can’t find the gun, I asked him what he was reaching for. He was groaning.”“I said a prayer for him,” continued Tolan. “I was happy he was going to live.”

See, now if that was Will Smith, they would have just said "cut!"

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