Friday, May 21, 2010

Some Rand-om thoughts.

Preachers killing their wives and storing them in freezers. Preachers claiming to be literally thrown under a bus . And rodents in the White House. (I swear they can't let you Negroes live anywhere.) What the hell is the world coming to? Wait, did I mention that the soon to be country of Texas decided to teach white only his...correct that; conservative white history in their schools? (The word slavery is now a no no. (It's now "Atlantic triangular trade" or some s#&t.) Must be nice. Nothing like a little white washing of history to make the natives feel better and soothe the jingoistic fever running amok here in A-merry-ca.

And through it all Rand just keeps talking:

“The thing is that, you know, the drilling right now and the problem we’re having now is in international waters, and I think there needs to be regulation of that and always has been. I think there are hundreds of pages of regulation.

What I don’t like from the president’s administration is this sort of, you know, I’ll put my boot heel on the throat of BP. I think that sounds really un-American in his criticism of business.
I’ve heard nothing from BP about not paying for the spill. And I think it’s part of this sort of blame-game society in the sense that it’s always got to be someone’s fault instead of the fact that may be, sometimes, accidents happen.
I mean, we had a mining accident that was very tragic, and I’ve met a lot of these miners and their families. They’re very brave people to do a dangerous job, but then we come in and it’s always someone’s fault. Maybe, sometimes, accidents happen."

I think I am going to like this guy. He is a bloggers dream.

Rand Rand Rand. First, Obama shouldn't put his "boot heel" on BP's throat, he should demand that the federal government put its hands in their pockets. And, for the record, those hands better be long, because those pockets are deep.

"Maybe sometimes accidents happen". The problem with that statement, of course, is that this was no accident, it could have been prevented. Just like those mining accidents could have been prevented. Tragic things happen when you put profits over people, and this was a tragedy (and continues to be) on a grand scale. But, to get all legal with it, the consequences were foreseeable. So Rand, I think you put your size 8 (OK 9)in your mouth again. (Second thought, make that a 7)

My man Rand is asking for a honeymoon. Don't worry Rand, over at Radio Rwanda you will get more sex than you could have ever dream of. That's because, fortunately for you, you will be on a very long honeymoon with them. You can thank your political leanings for that. You can thank your mouth (and to a lessor extent your brain) for the other stuff.

And finally, let's have a moment of silence for this guy's 2012 presidential run.............

"He has a doctorate in the social sciences and taught briefly at the college level. He has been married three times, divorced twice and confessed to an extramarital affair. He has never served in the military and lives in one of Washington's poshest suburbs. He is the very personification of his much-reviled "cultural elite." He is Newt Gingrich, and he is out to get himself."

Mr. Cohen, he already did.

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