Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Seeing Red.

I would like to start this post by thanking the people of California- on behalf of the Ganga farmers of my Island home- for shooting down Proposition 19. Thanks to you, their profit margins will remain high. (Speaking of high; WTF was Michelle Bachmann smoking last night? God bless Chris Matthews for calling out her simple ass.)

So this is the day after the "shellacking" (His words not mine) given to O and company by the A-merry-can people. I must say that his wimpy response today left me disappointed. "Humbling"? You "promise to do better"? Somebody pass the barf bag. If I see the tan-man and that dude with the skyscraper hair gloating on television one more time I will puke on Mrs. Field's rug.

I wish some of these poli-tricksters lived in the real world like the rest of us.

Field on his way to work. He spots a reader of the blog (some dude who works in the building) who can't wait to let him have it:

"Yo field, what happened to your boy down in Washington? I guess 'the man' made his black ass know who was in charge" I am thinking he is talking about 5, so I make a comment about Eagles fans being vindicated. "Nahhhh, not McNabb, your boy, Obama. It's time he started keeping it real, field. He needs to realize who put his black ass in power. He forgot how he got there, field. He got to Washington and got new. You know how you Negroes like to do. Then he came around here begging us for our votes at the last minute, after ignoring us for two years. F&^% him! Come on field, blog about that s*%t! I bet you won't do it". I hope he is reading.

You Negroes are angry, and rightfully so. O got his ass handed to him by folks who won't be making your lives any easier. He had his majority, and dumbocrats being the wimps they are, blew it. The ones who did stick their necks out got their asses handed to them because everyone else was in retreat. And, if we are going to keep it real, Only Captain Smith of Titanic fame did a worse job of communicating than O's White House did.

Actually, the Titanic metaphor isn't quite fitting, because unlike that huge iceberg that hit the doomed ship on the night of April 14th, we actually saw this one coming. The republi-clowns made it clear that they wanted his O ness to fail from day one. So they don't mind if the Titanic goes down, they all have lifeboats. The wealthy and the well connected always do. It's those poor folks caught in the bowels of the ship who will perish.

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