Sunday, July 25, 2010

"Black adversity"

Since we are all still in the oops, A-merry-ca might have a racism problem mode. I thought I would do a cut and paste job from another one of those bloggers of color that you have probably never heard of. It's a brilliant post, and it was written back in April. The brotha might as well have written it yesterday, because it's still that relevant.

"White privilege is the subject where whites are given certain advantages simply because they are white. In a white-dominated society, privileges are not only plentiful, but are also normal. Of course, it's not surprising that many whites are either unaware of their privileges, or go so far as to deny that they even have privileges by playing the victim role.

However, yesterday, I wondered about the opposite of white privilege and what that's called. Today, I've given it a name. I call it black adversity. They are the challenges and disadvantages that blacks have to struggle with. I wanted to focus on the realities of black life in a white-dominated society. So, I made a list of black adversities.

I want to go on record that the list of adversities are not excuses, nor should it be held as reasons for not trying to understand. They do not describe black life in its entirety, and a few, if not some, are not restricted to just blacks. However, the list shows the harsh realities that blacks face no matter the socioeconomic, political, or religious/spiritual sense or status. Some of these vary depending on the individual, but overall, here's a list of adversities blacks have to struggle with and overcome. Also within the list are things whites must be aware of and overcome which is associated with fear.

1. If I'm in a group of others who look like me, that is a cause for some kind of suspicion.

2. In order to not cause suspicion, I must be in the company of (mostly) whites.

3. If I move, I can be sure I will likely end up in poor neighborhood whether I want to or not.

4. If I move into a white neighborhood, it will be enough to arouse suspicion with my neighbors.

5. When I go shopping, I can be sure I will arouse suspicion and be followed around.

6. I will be sure that when I turn on the TV, I will most likely see others who look like me as ball players, criminals, clowns or overall failures of society.

7. When I turn to the local news on tv or in a newspaper, I can be sure most of the crime reported will have faces of suspects who look like me.

8. I know that my history is celebrated during the shortest month of the year and will likely not be celebrated any other time.

9. I know that most of the history taught is of history of mainly white people.

10. I can be sure that most of the stories I have to read for class are stories written by whites featuring white characters.

11. I can be sure that in order to pass in school I have to learn history and literature of whites by whites.

12. In order for whites to listen to me, I must agree with what they think about me and my people.

13. I can be sure that whites will not listen to me when it comes to race and racism.

14. I can be sure that in order to "make it" in the music industry I must sing or rap about sex, drugs, violence and killing my own people.

15. I can be sure that in order to "make it" in the music industry I must be an R&B, Jazz, rap or hip-hop artist.

16. When I use cash, checks, or credit cards, my skin is enough for suspicion.

17. When children of my race are missing, I know the media will likely not pay too much, if any, attention to them.

18. I know during my lifetime, I will be taught that my race is inferior in some way, shape or form.

19. I can be pretty sure that teachers will likely and severely punish children of my race for small infractions.

20. I can be pretty sure that children of my race will be put down or judged because of their race.

21. I know that the dropout rate for male children of my race is the highest among other races.

22. The way I look contributes to the way I should talk in order to be considered black.

23. I know that making good grades and good manners are signs that I'm "acting white."

24. I can be pretty sure that I'm automatically a representative for my group in the entertainment, political, religious or social area.

25. I know that any bad manners I have is associated with my color.

26. As a male I can be sure that living beyond 30 is a blessing.

27. I know that growing up, I will see poverty, drugs, violence and/or murder at least once.

28. If I grew up middle-class or upper-class, I may be looked upon with negativity by some of my own peers. If I grew up lower-class, I may still be looked upon with negativity by some of my own peers.

29. As a female I can be sure that the standard for beauty in this society is white or light skin.

30. I have a good chance of growing up in a single parent home.

31. I have at least one family member or relative who is either in prison or has been in prison.

32. As a child there's a chance that I will likely be considered "bad" by adults who know me faster than being acknowledged of any positives.

33. If I murder a white person, I can be pretty sure that I will get the death penalty.

34. If I murder a black person, I can be pretty sure that my sentence will be lighter compared to white victims.

35. I can be sure that I will be pulled over by police because of my race.

36. I can be sure that I will either be harassed, abused or even killed by police because of my race.

37. In court, I will likely not get a fair trial.

38. I know that as a male, there's a 1 in 3 chance that I will end up in prison, and losing my right to vote.

39. As a male I must marry within my race or be considered a sellout.

40. As a male I know my number one cause of death is homicide most likely by another male who looks like me.

41. I know a new television series will have main characters that will not look like me.

42. I know that negative stereotypes about my people will continue despite a high number of those who do not fit those stereotypes. In other words I will be judged by the actions of a few.

43. I know that my experiences with racism mean little or nothing.

44. I know that I will be a scapegoat for almost anything and everything wrong with this society.

45. I know that there will be movies featuring white people saving my people.

46. I know that my history prior to slavery is hardly discussed or brought up in classrooms. We were taught that we came from slaves and nothing else.

47. I can be sure I will likely not get the job or career I want based upon my race.

48. I know that all of my people are judged for the actions of one or a few of my people.

49. I have to live with the fact that my true culture, language, history are stripped away, and the proof I have to live with is in my name.

50. I am often told that something is wrong with me and not with the society I live in. "

"Black adversity" huh?

So let's talk. Is the post relevant? Or is the brother just another student from the racism chasing school that teaches "victimology"?
*Pic from "Will Capers' Blaque Ink".

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