Monday, July 19, 2010

Now if we only had a video.

I see Andrew Breitbart is up to his old tricks. He claims that someone sent him a video of a clear cut example of reverse racism by the NAACP folks, and he was just sitting on it until the time was right to unleash it on A-merry-ca. Well, for Andrew, that time is now.

"The NAACP is about to learn one of the most basic of all lessons in life — those who live in glass houses should avoid provoking a stone-throwing war. After the civil-rights organization threatened to issue a condemnation of Tea Party activism by equating it with racism (a position from which they ultimately retreated), Andrew Breitbart announced that he would publish at least one video of the NAACP itself cheering racism. Breitbart delivers on that promise today at Big Government, showing USDA official Shirley Sherrod explain to an appreciative NAACP audience in July 2009 how she deliberately withheld information from a white farmer in Georgia trying to save his land and his business:"

Oh Ohhh. Let this be a lesson to you Negroes: There are spies everywhere, and if you are on television-even cable access- you don't know who will be watching. In this case it was a racism chasing wingnut who sent the video of Ms. Sherrod to Andrew. Which, as it turns out, might have cost her a job. Now, of course, as is always the case with folks like Andrew; there is a slight problem: It seems that old Andrew didn't release all of the video, and girlfriend doesn't look as bad if her entire speech is taken in its proper context. Andrew, of course, has promised to release more. Let's hope that the NAACP beats him to it. Again, I am no big fan of that group, but when I see comments like the ones on this site, I have to say that I am going to start sending them my hard earned money again.

To think that Andrew, by releasing a video of a government hack, can prove that the NAACP is racist and eliminate years of racism speaks more to where A-merry-ca is on matters of race than a million videos ever could. BTW, Andrew still has that offer of $100,000.00 for anyone who can prove that Congressmen Lewis and others were subject to racist taunts etc. when they made that long painful walk through the teabagger's version of the Soul Train Line. Well, as it turns out, Andrew is a liar and a fraud. He was proven wrong, and he still didn't write the check. Typical.

I was actually going to blog about the Minutemen groups-I prefer to call them Neo Nazis-at the border, but I don't want to go tit for tat with Andrew and the reverse racism crowd, so I am going to leave that one alone. Besides, they would only call me a hypocrite for saying that the NBP party folks were just a bunch people on the fringe and not saying the same thing about the Minutemen. Isn't that right, wingnuts?

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