Saturday, July 3, 2010

"At long last, sir, have you no sense of decency?"

No he didn't Mr. Welsh. No he didn't.

You have to love when people revisit history and try to put their own spin on it. Better yet, when they start trying to make us forget about the deeds of certain historical figures. Take wingnuts and Joe McCarthy, for instance.

All of a sudden, Joe, to them, is a real A-merry-can hero. A man who was simply misunderstood by the masses, and smeared in a negative way by a progressive press and Ivy League academics. Well, they are fighting back, and they are putting a more positive spin on Joe in academic circles themselves. The largest voice for this new and improved Joe McCarthy is one Glen Beck. He has declared that McCarthy was right all along ,and is warning A-merry-ca about the new "red scare": (No, not the spies they caught living among us last week. ) The beige man in the White House and his Socialist policies. Ironically, I see many similarities between McCarthy and some of the posers on the right today: The lies. The big pulpit and resources to spread them.

"I have here in my hand a list of two-hundred-and-five - a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nonetheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department."

That, of course, was a lie. He had no such list. Just remember that the next time Beck and his friends start telling you about some deep dark secret they are keeping about his O ness or someone in his administration.

And let us not forget who Joseph McCarthy really was:

"On McCarthy’s first day in office, he called a press conference to air his proposal for the end of a coal miner’s strike led by labor leader John L. Lewis. His proposal was for the coal miners, including Lewis, to be drafted into the military, and then when they refused to mine coal, they were to be court martialed for insubordination and then shot.."

"Next, McCarthy turned to book banning. His researchers found that the Overseas Library Program contained 30,000 books written by "communists, pro-communists, former communists, and anti-anti-communists." After the list was published, those books were banished from the library."


"McCarthy began to receive information from Federal Bureau of Investigation head J. Edgar Hoover. Confrontational hearings led to sensational charges, but there was little hard evidence to support McCarthy's charges. He identified Johns Hopkins University professor Owen Lattimore as the number one Soviet spy in America. "

There is more, but I will spare you. Go read your history books. Before Beck and company rewrites them.

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