I was walking to the gym in Center City, Philadelphia a couple of days ago, and I saw something that actually made me feel good: It was two young brothers boxing in the street. As it turns out, they weren't serious with each other, and they were only working on their pugilistic skills.
"But field, why did that make you feel good to see young brothers fighting?"
Because they weren't out and about in the neighborhood trying to pop some other dudes top with an assault rifle. They were learning to use their fists instead of their fingers to settle a score, that's why.
Here in Philly we have a serious gun problem. Damn near all the young bucks are packing or could be packing easier than they can get a bicycle. Getting a hammer is not a problem here in Philly. It's what these young ones do. And the more lethal the weapon the more street cred it gives them. We even try to get folks to turn in their guns with PlayStations here in Philly, but thanks to folks like this:
"For example, among those arrested and charged was Akiem Smith, 19, of the 1300 block of South Fourth Street. Smith, who was too young to buy a firearm legally, is accused of trying to use a "straw" purchaser to buy a gun, officials said.
When the attempt failed, Smith reportedly had his mother, whose name was not disclosed, buy a .45-caliber handgun for him, officials said. Officers recovered the gun, which had an obliterated serial number."
"But field, why did that make you feel good to see young brothers fighting?"
Because they weren't out and about in the neighborhood trying to pop some other dudes top with an assault rifle. They were learning to use their fists instead of their fingers to settle a score, that's why.
Here in Philly we have a serious gun problem. Damn near all the young bucks are packing or could be packing easier than they can get a bicycle. Getting a hammer is not a problem here in Philly. It's what these young ones do. And the more lethal the weapon the more street cred it gives them. We even try to get folks to turn in their guns with PlayStations here in Philly, but thanks to folks like this:
"For example, among those arrested and charged was Akiem Smith, 19, of the 1300 block of South Fourth Street. Smith, who was too young to buy a firearm legally, is accused of trying to use a "straw" purchaser to buy a gun, officials said.
When the attempt failed, Smith reportedly had his mother, whose name was not disclosed, buy a .45-caliber handgun for him, officials said. Officers recovered the gun, which had an obliterated serial number."
(You read that right; his mama tried to get her baby "a .45- caliber handgun." Ahh I tell you, there is nothing like a mother's love.) It won't work.
But the beat goes on. A couple of days ago a bunch of thugs fired on the po po from a van, and they were not shooting at the boys in blue with your standard garden variety guns. No sir, these criminals were loaded for bare with some very sophisticated assault weapons.
"The shooting Thursday night of a police officer in Kensington reverberated with some frightening similarities to the 2008 shooting of Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski.
Three men in a vehicle. A powerful weapon - more than one, in this case. A cop shot.
Luckily, in this instance, Officer Kevin Livewell, 30, is doing well and is expected to recover from the wound to his right leg. *[ l-i-ve-w-e-l-l-?]*
Police yesterday displayed the types of deadly, "state-of-the-art" weapons - four assault-type rifles and four handguns - found in a white van and in the streets in the area of Water Street near Indiana Avenue, where Livewell was shot about 8:30 p.m.
They also asked for the public's help in finding the two men who fled the van. One was wearing a dark blue shirt and dark shorts, and the other a white tank top, said Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross. Both were described as Hispanic. Livewell's partner tackled a third man, the van's driver, who was being questioned yesterday by detectives. His identity has not yet been released.
Found in the van were two Bushmaster AR-15 .223-caliber rifles; a Taurus PT 24 .40-caliber pistol; a TEC-9 semiautomatic pistol; and a Glock 9mm pistol."
Now I am no gun expert, but I am smart enough to know that a "Bushmaster" is no joke. And these clowns didn't have one but two of those bad boys. That's the kind of fire power that these thugs run around with on the streets of "Killadelphia". And we are supposed to be intimidated or afraid of two clowns in faux military gear with night sticks? Come on now. Let's keep it real.
If folks on the right in this country were more concerned about sensible gun laws than they were a manufactured and imagined threat from an insignificant group of publicity hounds, they would get back a percentage ( a very small one) of the respect that I have lost for them.
But it won't happen. The NRA has too much money and folks have to get elected. Oh well, I hope they will at least spring for flowers for the next police officer's funeral.
But the beat goes on. A couple of days ago a bunch of thugs fired on the po po from a van, and they were not shooting at the boys in blue with your standard garden variety guns. No sir, these criminals were loaded for bare with some very sophisticated assault weapons.
"The shooting Thursday night of a police officer in Kensington reverberated with some frightening similarities to the 2008 shooting of Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski.
Three men in a vehicle. A powerful weapon - more than one, in this case. A cop shot.
Luckily, in this instance, Officer Kevin Livewell, 30, is doing well and is expected to recover from the wound to his right leg. *[ l-i-ve-w-e-l-l-?]*
Police yesterday displayed the types of deadly, "state-of-the-art" weapons - four assault-type rifles and four handguns - found in a white van and in the streets in the area of Water Street near Indiana Avenue, where Livewell was shot about 8:30 p.m.
They also asked for the public's help in finding the two men who fled the van. One was wearing a dark blue shirt and dark shorts, and the other a white tank top, said Deputy Commissioner Richard Ross. Both were described as Hispanic. Livewell's partner tackled a third man, the van's driver, who was being questioned yesterday by detectives. His identity has not yet been released.
Found in the van were two Bushmaster AR-15 .223-caliber rifles; a Taurus PT 24 .40-caliber pistol; a TEC-9 semiautomatic pistol; and a Glock 9mm pistol."
Now I am no gun expert, but I am smart enough to know that a "Bushmaster" is no joke. And these clowns didn't have one but two of those bad boys. That's the kind of fire power that these thugs run around with on the streets of "Killadelphia". And we are supposed to be intimidated or afraid of two clowns in faux military gear with night sticks? Come on now. Let's keep it real.
If folks on the right in this country were more concerned about sensible gun laws than they were a manufactured and imagined threat from an insignificant group of publicity hounds, they would get back a percentage ( a very small one) of the respect that I have lost for them.
But it won't happen. The NRA has too much money and folks have to get elected. Oh well, I hope they will at least spring for flowers for the next police officer's funeral.
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