So everyone is trying to get attention these days. Everyone wants to start a revolution. From politicians to well funded and organized disgruntled citizens, they are all channeling their inner Nat Turner. Some of them hold marches and some of them take hostages. WTF was up with James J. Lee, today? Apparently this nut job had problems with humans multiplying, and where the world was heading. (Welcome to the club, James, but you don't see the rest of us taking hostages and strapping bombs to our bodies.) And, if I am going to be fair, I have to rip wackos on the left as well as those on the right. My man seemed a little left leaning; a classic "tree hugger" gone mad. If that's the case maybe it's time the left started paying attention to some folks as well.
"Discovery officials are familiar with the suspect and his past protest at the building, Leavy said, at Lee's trial, The Gazette of Montgomery County reported, Lee said he began working to save the planet after being laid off from his job in San Diego.
He said he was inspired by "Ishmael," a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn, and by former Vice President Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."'
Poor James, he didn't have a radio and television program that reached millions like another deranged lunatic. All he had was a stinking web site which, until today, was not exactly pushing Kos and Drudge to lead the daily hit parade. I guess he found the ultimate way to get hits and get his message out, it cost him his life, but hey, here in A-merry-ca, some folks will do anything for their 15 minutes.
"Discovery officials are familiar with the suspect and his past protest at the building, Leavy said, at Lee's trial, The Gazette of Montgomery County reported, Lee said he began working to save the planet after being laid off from his job in San Diego.
He said he was inspired by "Ishmael," a novel by environmentalist Daniel Quinn, and by former Vice President Al Gore's documentary "An Inconvenient Truth."'
Poor James, he didn't have a radio and television program that reached millions like another deranged lunatic. All he had was a stinking web site which, until today, was not exactly pushing Kos and Drudge to lead the daily hit parade. I guess he found the ultimate way to get hits and get his message out, it cost him his life, but hey, here in A-merry-ca, some folks will do anything for their 15 minutes.
There are certain people whose 15 minutes should have been up a long time ago, but unlike James J. Lee, they are still around. They won't take just a few hostages in a suburban Washington building; no, these folks will take thousands upon thousands of hostages in the public square for all the world to see. But the difference between these hostages and the ones in Maryland today is this: the folks in Maryland today knew they were being held hostage; the folks who were at the National Mall on August 28, 2010, did not.
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