It was a good day for me here in A-merry-ca:Rush Limp-boy got "punked." I know my man is busy these days, but there is more to research than just Wiki. I hope all the Limp-boy faithful out there remembers this the next time they go quoting the drug addict with the golden mike.
It was also a good day for Sarah light. Girlfriend raised almost a million dollars since her big win last night. Nice. Watch your money folks; let's just say that Sara light doesn't have the greatest record when it comes to managing money.
It might have been a good day for moi and Sarah light, but I bet the last few days haven't been good for Andrew Collins. The poor brotha watched one too many Extreme Games and thought he could ride his bike on the sidewalk in the city of Dallas. Well, the po po in Big D wasn't having it, and, as po pos will do from time to time; they Rodney Kinged his ass. But, not to worry people, the police chief is black. He has the situation under control.....
It can't be a good day for the family of Irving Santana, either. Irving was shot 13 times by a man who saw him breaking into his car here in Philly. Damn! I mean I know that the wages of sin is death but this is ridiculous. Anyhooo, seems the shooter had a history of violence, and Philly's finest revoked his gun permit back in 2005. Well, thanks to the powerful gun lobby here in A-merry-ca, my man was able to apply online and get a permit from gator country.
"Hill allegedly caught Santana breaking into his car.
Police say Hill had his gun permit revoked in 2005 and lost an appeal to get it reinstated in 2008.
They say in 2009, Hill applied online and received a gun permit from Florida, despite having no ties to the state.
"His gun permit was revoked, he appealed it, and he was still able to acquire that gun permit," Deputy Police Commissioner William Blackburn said.
Hill is charged with murder and other related offenses."
Sorry Irving, I guess it's too late for you to learn that you don't mess with a black man's car.
Finally, it can't be a good day if you are one of the 43.6 million A-merry-cans living in poverty.
Poverty here in A-merry-ca is at its highest levels since 1994. That is not good. But don't worry folks, this won't last for long. When the republicans are back in power they will cut taxes for the rich so that they will start hiring poor people again. Wait...whoops, sorry, I take that back.
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