Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Are You Coping" Comrade?

In a post below I asked for words, phrases, and jargon that must be banned from our political parlance (parlor?) in the spirit of stifling freedom of speech.

Below is a selection from Nolwazi that beats anything I even conjured. All of it drawn from what some would call political discourse:
1."Actually we have already begun starting to look clozly at some of the ishshoes we need to start dealing at."

2."We as the ANC are mandated to align the principles of the party together along with that particular action we may or not choose to follow."

3."Due process must indeed be carried out."

4."All protocolz observed, comrades."

5."While we agree that more needs to be done in addressing this ishshoe, we acknowledge progress has been made in such areas as this one."

6."You see you cannot say thaaaaat."

7."Measures have been put in place."

8."We are looking to see if whether we indeed need to pay citizens what they are in fact asking and whether orrrr not government coffers can indeed handle thaaat particular demand."

9."That is not necessarily easy to ascertain at this particular juncture."

10."We must now begin to ask ourselves as a nation are we as a nation continuing to build on the spirit of unity that was provided to us by the world cup."

11."The stalwarts of this movement form the cornerstone of this democracy which we now enjoy along with the media that is now manipulating it in order for its White corporate gains."

12."No we will indeed begin now to engage accordingly."

13."So that we may now begin to engage."

14."Are you Coping?"

15."To those who lost their lives, we say..." (The winner hands down!)

16. "To the struggle veterans, we salute your brave attempts at ensuring that you died in order so that we may live to enjoy fruits of your death."
You are so out of the partee and definitely more "out of orda comrade."


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