I see that the folks over at Radio Rwanda are all in a tizzy over his O ness putting them on blast in his RS Magazine interview.
"How on earth is Fox News hurting the middle class?" O'Reilly wondered aloud during a segment with Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley Tuesday night.
O'Reilly also said Obama criticized Fox because "50 percent of the commentators" on the network disagreed with the president, as opposed to other media outlets who "still love him."
And this from tweedledum:
"Once again, we are seeing if you disagree with the president's left-wing agenda, you do so at your own risk," he said, before blasting Obama for his economic and foreign policy.
"Mr. President, this network did not put into place policies that are going to result in higher taxes, higher health care premiums and fewer jobs," Hannity said.
Honestly, this is A-merry-ca, and the folks over at Radio Rwanda have every right to put all the bull s&^ they want on the air. If the brain dead red state masses want to treat every thing they spew as gospel, then so be it.
The problem is, of course, that they pretend to be a legitimate news organization. Their "fair and balanced" aphorism is an even bigger joke than the bimbos and former republican candidates and operatives who they have masquerading as journalist. (BTW, they have even helped their employees run for political office) This is the frustration with FOX. Not that they are a wingnut propaganda arm , but that they pretend not to be. I am sure that this is what frustrates his O ness as well. In his orderly academic world this makes no sense. Could the people who elected me be this dumb? Ahhhh.....Yes! Rupert Murdoch and his minions understands the emotional A-merry-can. They would rather watch a blond bimbo read slanted news than an old bald man read the truth. It's why they will always win the ratings war.
Finally, in typical -hypocritical- republican fashion, millionaire Meg Whitman is throwing her *nanny of seven years under the bus. Or, should we say, under the border fence. Seems Meg knew girlfriend was illegal all along, but...well, we can't have the voters of California knowing that we say one thing and do another now can we.
"How on earth is Fox News hurting the middle class?" O'Reilly wondered aloud during a segment with Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley Tuesday night.
O'Reilly also said Obama criticized Fox because "50 percent of the commentators" on the network disagreed with the president, as opposed to other media outlets who "still love him."
And this from tweedledum:
"Once again, we are seeing if you disagree with the president's left-wing agenda, you do so at your own risk," he said, before blasting Obama for his economic and foreign policy.
"Mr. President, this network did not put into place policies that are going to result in higher taxes, higher health care premiums and fewer jobs," Hannity said.
Honestly, this is A-merry-ca, and the folks over at Radio Rwanda have every right to put all the bull s&^ they want on the air. If the brain dead red state masses want to treat every thing they spew as gospel, then so be it.
The problem is, of course, that they pretend to be a legitimate news organization. Their "fair and balanced" aphorism is an even bigger joke than the bimbos and former republican candidates and operatives who they have masquerading as journalist. (BTW, they have even helped their employees run for political office) This is the frustration with FOX. Not that they are a wingnut propaganda arm , but that they pretend not to be. I am sure that this is what frustrates his O ness as well. In his orderly academic world this makes no sense. Could the people who elected me be this dumb? Ahhhh.....Yes! Rupert Murdoch and his minions understands the emotional A-merry-can. They would rather watch a blond bimbo read slanted news than an old bald man read the truth. It's why they will always win the ratings war.
Finally, in typical -hypocritical- republican fashion, millionaire Meg Whitman is throwing her *nanny of seven years under the bus. Or, should we say, under the border fence. Seems Meg knew girlfriend was illegal all along, but...well, we can't have the voters of California knowing that we say one thing and do another now can we.
"..Allred said that the Social Security Administration notified Whitman in 2003 that the number Diaz provided when hired in 2000 was not valid and that Whitman did nothing until June 2009, when she fired Diaz after she asked for help with her immigration status. Diaz is filing a claim with the state Labor Commission, seeking back wages and mileage.
Here's what Whitman said in a statement:
'After nine years of faithful service, Nicky came to us in June 2009 and confessed that she was an illegal worker. Nicky had falsified the hiring documents and personal information she provided to the employment agency that brought her to us in 2000. Nicky told me that she was admitting her deception now because she was aware that her lie might come out during the campaign. Nicky said she was concerned about hurting my family and me.
As required by law, once we learned she was an illegal worker, I immediately terminated Nicky's employment. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I considered Nicky a friend and a part of our extended family.'"
Here's what Whitman said in a statement:
'After nine years of faithful service, Nicky came to us in June 2009 and confessed that she was an illegal worker. Nicky had falsified the hiring documents and personal information she provided to the employment agency that brought her to us in 2000. Nicky told me that she was admitting her deception now because she was aware that her lie might come out during the campaign. Nicky said she was concerned about hurting my family and me.
As required by law, once we learned she was an illegal worker, I immediately terminated Nicky's employment. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I considered Nicky a friend and a part of our extended family.'"
Now, I ask you, who do you believe?
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