Friday, July 1, 2011

Are these men Gay?

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend. I am chilling with the fam in one of those lovely Western Pistolvania resorts. (I won't say where, I don't trust the surrounding area.)  

It's always good to get away and try to clear out my head. Although I can never really get away from the news and what is going on here in A-merry-ca. Sadly,as we celebrate the beauty of this wonderful experiment, we have to constantly deal with the people who are trying to take away from all the advances that we have made as a nation.

Michele Bachmann's husband calls Gays Barbarians, and the governor of Ohio just signed a bill into a law that makes it cool to carry a concealed weapon in a bar. A BAR! Call me crazy, but I am thinking that alcohol and guns are not a good mix.

Finally, I thought Mrs. Field loved shopping, but this lady has her beat.

Some of you Negroes need Jesus!

Okay I am out. I shouldn't even be blogging, but I am addicted to you folks.


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