Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Muslim Bigot

In the four plus years that I have written this blog I have received hundreds of racist and anti-Muslim rants.  Some are aimed at my skin color and others are aimed at my religion.

In this time I have never received a complaint or reprimand from a Muslim about my views on Islam or the way I live my life.

But there is always the exception and I want to share these two incoherent pieces of crap that were posted to the blog today.

Abu Laila Al Afriki has left a new comment on your post "Are You Muslim? !!!"
"are you a muslim? christianity and judaism comes from islam has been around since aadam alayhi salam. the christians and jews are mushriks. they worship jesus and their rabis. it would do you good to study up on milat ibraheem. and see what you truly know about nabi ibraheem. what are you doing amongst drunk kafir and telling everyone anyways, you want to defend islam but you are at parties what a hypocrite."
Abu Laila Al Afriki has left a new comment on your post "South Africa Votes for UN Resolution 1973 ..."
"ya akhi you are a muslim what are you doing. you love the kufaar. you love democracy and freedom. this is all against islam and Allah's sharia. you may write well but you have little understanding. we are muslims. who cares what these kufar have to say. we are not south africans but rather we are a part of the ummah of muhhamad pbuh. we need sharia not democracy which puts man as sovereign instead of Allah. you have pictures and quotes made by kufaar and mushriks. why do you honour those who reject islam."
Yeah you reading this intolerant fool right.  According to him, Islam is against non-Muslims and democracy.  It's in the Sharia he says.  What nonsense!  There is no such rulings anywhere in Islam.

He also takes exception to posting pictures of non-Muslims.  The pictures part is the nonsense that some Muslims believe is anti-Muslim.  And this they get from where?  The prohibition against pictures or images (especially with eyes) is not found anywhere in the Qur'an.

But let me speak directly. 

None of the folks I supposedly "honour" here reject Islam.  Who do you think you dealing with?

I am not one of the teenage sons of the men and their ummah who keep you fed while you spew rubbish and dirty our religion.

The pathology contained in your quotes above is not my Islam.  You won't find me limp shaking my bearded ass in contexts that defile the religion more than celebrate its inclusivity and revolutionary ideals.

Islam does not predate Judaism and Christianity fool.  Read your Qur'an.  Islam is the logical and recognized outgrowth of both those sister religions and it is the last prophet (pbuh) who proclaimed when he was done that "on this day I have perfected your religion for you."

In the Qur'an are more verses that extol the beliefs of Judaism and Christianity and none that make any of your ludicrous statements.

So you would be contesting/questioning the Qur'an when it says that among the believers are the Jews, Christians, Sabians, and those who accept Allah's (God's) supremacy?

Its bigots like you I find more offensive than the white racist sh*t that is flung at me here and elsewhere.

Don't come on here with your holier than thou sh*t and think you profound.  You not.  I have read some of the incoherent crap you post on that other similarly piss-poor blog you claim and if I was you, I'd do some learning and get someone to help you with elemental basics.

Sh*t like how to construct arguments, to capitalize and punctuate sentences, and not appear to just be a dense kook.  Well cause ... you make us all look like idiots.

It's your kind of idiocy that is used to stereotype and oppress us.

I shudder to think what your views on women might be.  You like the Taliban fool.  Islam is not an oppression meted out by uneducated yet over-confident asses like you.

You worry about my level of education.  You read here?  You should.  You might learn something more than just rubbing your fat head against a carpet five times a day and hoping your ass will do enough to make it into heaven.

Islam is an egalitarian revolution.  It is not the hatred you spew against believing humans.

And save your ass from replying here in a tone that thinks you know Islam better than me or that you have power over me.

And use your real name fool.  What you afraid of?  What the f*ck is Afriki?  How delusional and contrived are you really?

This blog has no space for bigots like you or the kind of myopic fanatics that would have lynched the last prophet (pbuh) if he were around calling you on your incoherent rantings.

Allah alone judges fool.  The Qur'an proclaims that "God is most merciful and compassionate" over and over again.

Where is the mercy and compassion in your hatred?  How are you different than the hate mongers who persecute Muslims?

And how dare you question whether I am a Muslim or not?  Who f*cking died and appointed you in charge of determining who is and who is not Muslim?

There are a whole lot of non-Muslims in this world who stand for what is right and give their lives to defend our common humanity.

Among those are the people of the Books of Moses (pbuh) and Jesus (pbuh) and they are our brothers and our sisters and I will die for their right to believe what they will and what they want.

It is the Islamic thing to do.  Our history is replete with Muslim martyrs who defended Jews and Christians.

What are you doing other than spreading intolerant hate?

It is our Qur'an that proclaims that there is no compulsion in religion.  We cannot force anyone - even those among us - to do and see what we think is right.

Only Allah judges.  Read your Qur'an in a language you can understand - save all that pious chanting for your down times.

In my mind and my politics you are an antiquated piece of vile sh*t I will resist with every ounce of my being.

My Islam is not the Islam you have defiled.  So take your bigoted crap elsewhere.  Or send me an email and we can meet and work this sh*t out in person since you are in South Africa.  laher@iname.com


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