Friday, July 9, 2010


Yes he did. Today on his radio program, while playing the clip of some so called New Black Panther over and over again, he declared that the guy was only saying what his O ness was thinking. And he tried to link Obama to all things black and radical in A-merry-ca. (Did you know that DOJ is reviewing the verdict in the bay area shooting case because the victim was black?) And this is the second most listened to radio program in A-merry-ca. (He is behind this guy, who, just the other day, said that the Queen of day- time talk owes all of her success to her race. Go figure.)

But Glenn is trying to start a race war, and he got the NBP party to bite. (Of course that was easy. Those clowns have never seen a camera that they don't like.) Seriously, who pays attention to guys who go around calling for the "killing" of " all crackers and "white babies"? That is stuff you leave for fringe bloggers to talk about, not one of the most popular right wing political figures in the country. But this is all a part of a well orchestrated plan by Beck and company to racialize (Is that a word?) Obama and further divide the country. It's a smart move politically, because white folks still have the power of numbers when it comes to votes. At the end of the day, Beck is just a variation of the same republican machine. Don't believe that crap about being independent and not being beholden to any political party. It's not true. If you don't believe me, watch how the rhetoric changes when a republican finally takes back the White House.

Obama knows it, which is why he runs away from you black folks like Usain Bolt. Are you Negroes upset that he is skipping the NAACP convention next month? Don't worry, he will send Michelle. She is the designated black person in the White House.

But back to Beck. This all should be fun, because as we get deeper into the political season let's see how far the republicans will play along with Beck and company in this game of black vs. white. Some in the republican party are starting to say enough. But it might be too little too late. I think that horse has already left the barn.

Still, Beck will keep doing what he is doing, and folks who are desperate for a bogeyman to take away the pain from their own own miserable lives will keep biting. They will do it in spite of editorials like this from the very white Philadelphia Inquirer. The Inquirer, by the way, happens to be the flagship paper in the city where all of this so called voter intimidation against white folks was supposed to have taken place.

I don't know about the rest of you, but the more I think about it is the more I want to be in DC come August 28, 2010. I will stock up on lots of popcorn during my ride down.

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