Thursday, July 15, 2010

"The Sixth Sense"

Almost 100 CHIHUAHUAS?!! WTF is going on with you people? Seems that some lady was hoarding dogs in South Philly. The neighbors could actually "smell the stench of dog urine and feces" from the street.

Hey, Citizens Bank Park is in South Philly. I bet I will never buy another hot dog at a Phillie's game. I am just sayin.

So anyhoo, speaking of dogs, tonight I was reading an excellent article about my girl Sarah, and I think it's dead on. Sarah, of course, said that the NAACP was wrong about the tea party folks; they are not racist, she declared. But like the author of this article, I have some questions:

Why the dog whistles? We all know that members of the tea party movement aren't going around yelling the "N" word at rallies (well, not all of them) and they aren't making public declarations that they hate black people. But only a fool would deny the code words to tie his O ness to all things black. Especially really scary black things like inner city organizing, and sixties style radicals standing around in sixties style radical uniforms. And let's not forget his church. That fire and brimstone preacher who touted liberation theology and hated white folks. -Was it white folks he hated or certain aspects of A-merry-ca? I forget.- It seems like such a long time ago that the msm couldn't get enough of Jeremiah Wright.

I am sorry, something isn't quite right about the tea party folks. Ask any black person in A-merry-ca (not a conservative Negro. I said black person) and they will tell you the same thing. Everything about those people say the following: We want our A-merry-ca back. Electing that Negro with the Muslim name was a bridge too far. And It's time to organize and fight back. I might be wrong but I am usually right about these things. Just call me Haley Joel Osment: "I see racist people".

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