Thursday, August 11, 2011

The republicans debate, and Aruba strikes again.

"I firmly believe that race riots are on the way," .... "They are being encouraged...[the Obama administration] will take this country down. If it looks like they are losing, the uber left, they will take it down. If I can't have it, no one will."

Oh my! Talk about wishful thinking. That was a very popular wingnut personality giving his dire warning about where A-merry-ca is heading. Let's follow their logic: They are sure that Obama will lose the next election, therefore, we can all assume, that race "riots are indeed on the way." As a member of the "uber left", let me be the first to say that that's not a good look for A-merry-ca.

And if Obama is going to lose the next election, one of the people on the stage debating to become the republiclown candidate for president is going to more than likely replace him. (I know that Governor Big Hair will announce soon)
I am trying to watch it, but it's hard. Newt, Herman,Mitt,Michele, Ron....Honestly, I would rather watch reruns of Baywatch Nights. Ron Paul is actually making the most sense, that ought to tell you something.

Anyway, as is to be expected, it looks like they are going after O hard. Hey this is politics, it's blood sport, they have to do and say what they have to in order to get elected.

O, on the other hand, says that he is fed up with the way politics is being conducted here in A-merry-ca.

 "..They look at what's happening in Washington and they think these folks are really from outer space because they don't seem to understand how critical it is for us all to work together, Republicans, Democrats, independents, in order to move this country forward," ..." the country is realizing the need to get involved.
"We're going to have to get engaged and we're going to have to speak out,"...  "We're going to have to register the fact that we expect more and we expect better." [Source]

Hmmm, doesn't sound like a man who wants a race war to me. Sounds like a man who wants to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with the wingnuts. Good luck with that.

"Unfortunately what we've seen in Washington in the last few months has been the worst kind of partisanship, the worst kind of gridlock, and that gridlock has undermined public confidence and impeded our efforts to take the steps we need for our economy,"

Mr. Obama is such a gentleman. Unfortunately for him, gentlemen don't win elections. Not when unemployment is hanging around the 9% mark and people want to work. Not when A-merry-ca is involved with three wars and folks are hearing about soldiers being killed on the evening news.

.....The debate is still going on and Herman Cain is making a fool of himself while he talks about Mitt Romney's religion. Mitt, on the other hand, is talking about the ideal home for children being with a mom and a dad, Newt is defending the government's right to give "loyalty oaths", and Michele is defending being submissive to her husband. I swear, these clowns on the right might just snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

I guess we can relax people, maybe there will be no race riots after all.

Finally, if you are a white woman here in A-merry-ca and planning a vacation; you might want to stay away from Aruba. Seems that just five years after Natalee Holloway, yet another woman has gone missing on that island paradise.

Ladies, in the future, may I suggest Jamaica? Yes we have Dexter and his "black bamboo", but he will just take your pocket book, not your life.


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