Thursday, August 19, 2010

American Missionary Found Guilty of Paedophilia

Forty year old missionary Douglas Perlitz has pleaded guilty "to traveling from the United States to Haiti at various times between 2001 and 2008 to have sex with ... eight (male) victims."

He is the founder and director of Project Pierre Toussaint (for boys) in Cap-Haitien, northern Haiti.

I deliberately chose the post heading to include "American" because we live in a time when general aspersions about Islam and Muslim is thrown wildly around.

Just yesterday I read another story where an American journalist was calling on all Muslims to apologize for 9/11 and "Islamist terrorists".

If we use that logic then I guess all Americans are pedophiles or at least those who will not accept responsibility or apologize for Douglas Perlitz's actions.

Add to Americans all Christian too while you at it since he was a Christian Evangelist and, therefore, we can expand the web of guilt.

Oh yes don't forget all white people too!

Crazy world we live in ain't it?

So crazy that about 70 percent of all Americans do not want to allow a Mosque to be built close to Ground Zero in New York because it offends them and those who died in the 9/11 attacks.

So, Islam and all Muslims must be held to be responsible for 9/11 (of course those 300 or so Muslims who died in the attacks are conveniently erased).

My head hurts!

When will the US grow up?

Article and Picture Credit

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