Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mike is not leaving the plantation quietly.

My man Hip Hop Mike might be out of his leadership position with the GOP, (Good Ole [boyz]Party) but apparently he still has a lot to say.

"Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, recently went on Chris Matthews' MSNBC show and chatted, among other things, about the lack of blacks in the Republican Party.

"We could have used a few more brothers in the house; there's no doubt about that," Steele said when Matthews made the ingenious and original observation that there aren't too many blacks hanging around at Republican conventions (does Steele not think some sisters would have been nice, too?). And despite his gaffe-tastic mess of a term as chairman, Steele said he's proud of helping to diversify a party that's not known for it's diversity. "What I tried to do [as chairman] was to broaden the landscape over which we could play, go into neighborhoods where we needed to be in but hadn't been in generations, and I think it made a difference," he said."

Believe it or not, Mike, I actually respect that position. We could use more brothers (and sisters) in the GOP. Spread ourselves around a little bit so that some folks won't take us for granted. I get that. By spreading out a little we could show the world that we are not a monolithic people in our thoughts and actions.

Still Mike, it's hard to hook up with a party that time and time again places folks in leadership positions that do stuff like this. Not to mention the fact that your party does not respect our icons and their legacy. You can't disrespect us and expect us to hitch our wagons to you. I don't care how much we have in common. We have to get past all the other stuff first. And that's hard; especially for black folks.

Mike, I wish you all the best. There has been a lot of speculation as to where you will go from here, and I am just hoping, that wherever it is, you will land on your feet. I hear MSNBC has an opening, but your politics might not fit in over there. Although they really do need a dark face. You could be their Juan Williams. MSNBC would be killing two birds with one token. The black guy and the conservative. Nice.

Finally, you folks out in "Oaktown" might want to consider blocking the porn channels-and websites in your homes and on your computers. I think the little rugrats have been paying a bit too much attention to what the folks on these sites and channels are doing.

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