Sunday, October 31, 2010
Scary people.
Survival’s New Petition for Botswana Bushmen Goes Global
October 27, 2010
A new petition calling on controversial holiday company Wilderness Safaris to move its luxury lodge off Bushman land in Botswana is gathering support from all over the world.
While the Central Kalahari Bushmen are banned from accessing water on their own land, Wilderness Safaris erected its luxury lodge, with swimming pool and showers, on Bushman land without first seeking their consent.
Stephen Corry, Survival’s director, explained, ‘As long as the Bushmen are banned from accessing drinking water on their own land, Wilderness Safaris needs to stay away. While their lodge stays open but Bushmen remain parched, Wilderness is effectively supporting the Botswana government’s policy to drive the Bushmen off their lands.’
The petition has already gathered signatures from more than 100 countries, even though it was only opened a week ago.
A supporter from the UK, wrote, ‘History will view your behaviour as shameful. The Bushmen and their tribes and families are a proud and magnificent people.’
Another supporter in Tanzania wrote, ‘There is absolutely no justification for a supposedly eco tourist oriented company to build a lodge without the original land owners’ full consent and participation.’
An American supporter wrote, ‘I am mortified that the Botswana government would endanger the live of their citizens for a bit of money. Once tourists know the manner in which this land was acquired they will not want to visit.’
The Bushmen of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve in Botswana were evicted from their land by the Botswana government in 2002. The country’s High Court ruled the evictions were ‘unconstitutional’ and ‘unlawful’ and that the Bushmen have the right to return home. However, many Bushmen are unable to do so because the government insists on denying them access to drinking water or permission to hunt for food.
Survival has also launched an international boycott of Botswana tourism, which is endorsed by celebrities including Gillian Anderson, Quentin Blake, Joanna Lumley, Sophie Okonedo and Mark Rylance.
To Whom Apologies Are Really Due
I had a visceral reaction to the news that Virginia Thomas had called Anita Hill and asked her for an apology. In 1991 I was a college freshman, and the televised Hill-Thomas hearings were my adult initiation into the public vilification of black women. I watched as white male senators and conservative commentators exploited the common myth of black women as promiscuous to cast Hill as oversexed and delusional. I remember when Thomas draped himself in the history of America's racial violence by angrily referring to his confirmation process as a "high-tech lynching." Although there is no history of white men forming a posse to punish those who sexually assault black women, Thomas deployed the lynching trope to great effect. After the comment, his approval ratings rose sharply among black Americans, many of whom maligned Hill as a race traitor who allowed her story to be used by powerful white opponents to harm the credibility of an African-American man. The Hill-Thomas hearings were an object lesson in the joint complicity of black communities and white power structures in the public humiliation of black women to meet conservative ends: being both black and a woman means you can be maligned by both racist and sexist discourse.
Read the rest of this article here.
After Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Cartoon Credit
See more Mr. Fish cartoons here.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
How can you "Restore" what never was?
"Money's Too Tight To Mention"
The Valentine Brothers said it right in 1982 and so it is again.
Jobless growth. Folks struggling to find work and giving up in Mzansi.
And, "we’re talking ’bout reaganomics", still.
Most folks will remember this line from the Simply Red cover of "Money's too Tight to Mention". The sad and ironic truth is that the original and better version hardly profited The Valentine Brothers who hail from Columbus, Ohio.
Appropriation? Cultural mining?
"We’re talking ’bout money money. We’re talking ’bout money money ..."
And nothing changes broer.
Zapiro Credit
Picture Credit
Friday, October 29, 2010
Just your garden variety "Tea Party" candidate.
"Republican Party leaders in central Illinois are calling on their own candidate for state senate to step down following racist remarks he made at a candidate’s forum last week.
Al Reynolds, who is considered the Tea Party candidate in Illinois’ 52nd District, has been unavailable to the media since saying that African American men preferred dealing drugs to going to college, because it is “easier.”
'I’ve been in the city and the dichotomy of the women and the men in the minorities, there is a difference in the fact that most minority women, either the single parent or coming from a poor neighborhood, are motivated more so than the minority men,' Reynolds said, when asked what he would do to increase diversity at state colleges. 'And it’s a pretty good reason. Most of the women who are single parents have to find work to support their family. The minority men find it more lucrative to be able to do drugs or other avenues rather than do education. It’s easier.”' [More]
Indonesia's Mount Merapi Erupts
Mbah Maridjan |
The loss of life and devastation is heartbreaking!
May the departed rest in peace.
Picture and Caption Credit
Mbau Maridjan Picture Credit
Survival Under Cyberattack
GLOBAL Website Down After Bombardment
Survival International has today been targeted by a massive cyberattack, assumed to be the work of the Indonesian or Botswana authorities, or their allies, reacting to our campaign work.
The attack comes one week after Survival reported on a shocking video of Indonesian soldiers torturing Papuan tribal people, and four weeks after calling for tourists to boycott Botswana over the long-running persecution of the Kalahari Bushmen.
Starting with a test attack at 5pm (London time) on Wednesday 27 October, and building to a very sophisticated ‘distributed denial-of-service’ onslaught through that evening and today, many thousands of PCs around the world simultaneously bombarded Survival’s website, knocking it offline.
Survival International has always known that the forces ranged against tribal peoples are very powerful and have unlimited resources. We need you to help us fight them.
More on cyberattack »
Donate to Survival »
Credit: Angryindian sent the above report to me.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's that time again.
But you gotta love the dems for giving it the "old college try". They called black bloggers, (No, the field didn't get an invite. Corporate and pop culture bloggers, only.) to the White House, and O has been on black radio more than Kanye and Jay Z combined. Sadly, in spite of all his efforts, you Negroes will stay home. The republicans, of course, know this. So in a way, you are loyal to them as well.
Finally, I was sent this Jason Riley article from the WSJ (h/t Pilot X) about the NAACP alleged obsession with the Tea Party Movement. The author thinks that the NAACP should be doing better things with their time:
"Given that the tea party—a diffuse network of local groups with no central leadership—focuses not on race but on limited government, the NAACP's obsession with the movement might seem odd. And given the real challenges facing black Americans today, the fact that the nation's largest civil rights group is devoting time and resources to monitoring Sarah Palin rallies for Confederate flags is also rather sad.
The nation's unemployment rate is 9.6%, but it is 16.1% for blacks and an unconscionable 41% for black teens. Politicians continue to promote minimum-wage hikes that harm the job prospects of younger and less-skilled individuals, a disproportionate number of whom are black. Wal-Mart's attempts to open a store that would bring jobs and low-price goods to a depressed neighborhood in Brooklyn, N.Y., have been thwarted repeatedly by labor unions. And the NAACP is issuing studies on the tea party movement?
Black children are funneled into the nation's worst public schools, where they underperform and often don't graduate. Black boys in eighth grade read at about the same level as white girls in fourth grade. The achievement gap persists through high school, where the average black student is graduating with an eighth-grade education—if the student graduates at all.
The situation has remained essentially unchanged for three decades. President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan have noted that just 2,000 of the nation's 20,000 high schools produce half of all dropouts, and nearly 50% of black kids attend one of these "dropout factories." But that hasn't stopped the Obama administration from phasing out a Washington, D.C., voucher program for low-income students that improved graduation rates. Still, the NAACP is worried about the tea party?" [Article]
Kenya On My Mind
By the end of next week I will be in Nairobi and surrounds for 22 days and I can't hardly wait. I need to be outside of South Africa for a while.
Over the years I have noticed that extended periods of time in any one place makes me even grumpier than usual. ;0)
This morning I was listening to a talk station on my way to work and working up a tension sweat each time the presenter, or advertisements, lauded the role of "entrepreneurship" to take "South Africa (or a company) to the "next level".
Why is there is such a fixation on "entrepreneurship" in South Africa? And, what the hell is the "next level"?
Can anyone run out of "levels"? Or, is "entrepreneurship" a means of creating infinite "levels" to step up to?
On Monday I attended a forum held by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) or what was just the Department of Foreign Affairs not too long ago.
The forum was aimed at bringing academics and think tankers together to brainstorm about the "next level" in foreign policy.
The impressive conference room was filled with thinking folks you see on TV, usually the news. Important personalities that have "taken it to the next level" and now hover above mere mortal academics who are still trying to figure out how to cite and footnote properly.
A lot was said. A lot of pretense was postured. A lot of levels were pointed to.
At the end of the 8 hour deliberations it was concluded that South Africa needed a new drive, a new "entrepreneurship" in international relations, so that the country can "take it to the next level" to meet the "prospects and challenges" of a rearranged globe.
I was lost.
In the international relations theory I studied and taught there was/is no section on "entrepreneurship" and the "next level".
I am worried. Really worried.
What happened to all that emphasis on the politics of power and interests? Has Realpolitik been replaced by "entrepreneurship" and "the next level"?
Should I expect calls from former students, particularly the unemployed ones, who will angrily blame me for not teaching them about "entrepreneurship" and the "next level" in international relations?
On my way out of the very impressive DIRCO building I looked around thinking that it looked more like The Smithsonian in Washington D.C. than a building housing a very small African power in global politics.
DIRCO had obviously stepped up to a "next level" but hardly anyone noticed, or even cared.
Nonetheless, the very shiny floors and over-trained personnel who were so un-South African in their demeanor and habit of helping you find your way around the large vacuous spaces was not lost on me.
As I walked to the elevator a former colleague from Village Hell University asked me if I had driven my old pick-up truck to DIRCO with a recurring smirk on his face.
I nodded yes and he shook his head disapprovingly. He obviously thought I needed a "next level" vehicle to park alongside the "entrepreneurship" cadres.
We stood in front of the elevators (lifts) momentarily as I tried to remember which floor I had parked on.
"I think I have to go down a level," I said.
"I have to go up a level," the colleague replied.
I nodded and took the stairs down to the basement.
I drove home quietly inside the noise of a 14 year old pick-up. Inside my head were random thoughts about learning what is meant by "entrepreneurship" so that maybe I could, you know, take it to the "next level".
Or maybe not.
I wonder if they have "entrepreneurship" and the "next level" in Kenya?
I will let you know in the coming weeks.
Arundhati Roy: Pity the Nation
October 26 2010
See also Section 124 A: An Evil Law by Ajit Sahi for more on what may be an emerging case to arrest Roy for sedition.
Western Sahara and the Tide of History
Mail and Guardian
Oct 27 2010 12:23
In 1960 the United Nations adopted resolution 1514 which stated that all people have a right to self-determination and that colonialism should be brought to a speedy and unconditional end.
Half-a-century later it may come as a surprise to readers to learn that there are still 16 territories around the world that have yet to achieve decolononisation.
Known as "non-self-governing territories" the list of places still ruled by a foreign power contains some familiar names: Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands (Malvinas) to name just two.
But while some of these territories, like the tiny Pacific Island of Tokelau, are dependencies that could be said to have rejected independence and democratically chosen to maintain their territorial status, others are more controversial.
Most notable is Western Sahara, known as Africa's last colony, which has fought for self-determination for more than 35 years against neighbouring Morocco.
Read the rest of this article here.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I'm NOT lovin it!
Anywhooo, I gave you this little vignette because a couple of brothers up in Zoo Yawk are accusing Micky D's of playing bathroom guard with a racial angle:
"Can I get a Big Mac and the key to the bathroom?
That's what three black men are claiming happened to them when they asked to use a bathroom at a McDonald's in the Kips Bay neighborhood of Manhattan.
Christopher White, Abdul Rasuul, and Leroy Johnson allege that they were told they had to buy food when they asked to use the restroom at a Third Avenue McDonald's.
Meanwhile, they claim, a white woman who did not buy anything was allowed to use the restroom. The men say they suffered "shock, pain, emotional, psychiatric, psychological and mental injuries" as a result of the alleged race-based slight.
McDonald's declined to comment saying it hadn't seen the suit.." (Link)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
"Blue grass" beatdown, and "Wacka Flocka Flame."
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sorry Juan, you will have to "fight the power" without us.
I will write for you what I told my curious friend: Juan Williams, is a disappointment to most black folks. He represents the type of wishy washy Negro in A-merry-ca who makes it hard to convey our pain and frustration to those who need to know. In his high profile media position, he might as well be just another white host pontificating about the politics of the day. Which is fine, if he is just another political pundit on television who just happens to be black. With Juan you always get the impression-at least when he is on FOX-that he is the token black guy, and he is playing the role of the Negro "contrarian".
Unfortunately for us black folks, Juan never seemed to play that role very well. He never expressed what we were really thinking. Which, I suspect, is just the way FOX wanted it. (The fake black man on a fake news station) I bet that all those lily white families watching in red state A-merry-ca clung to Juan's every word as if it was black gospel. Juan is black A-merry-ca. Not. So when Juan said that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb we (black folks) immediately felt outrage and thought: this is bulls&^%! In urban areas across A-merry-ca we see and interact with folks in Muslim garb damn near every day, -And yes, I know, they aren't all necessarily Middle Eastern men- and they sure don't make us nervous.
I have said this before, but it's worth repeating: They don't make Juan nervous,either. He was just saying what he thought that the lily white family in Iowa wanted to hear. That is why black folks aren't crying a river over Juan's firing. Yes, we know that it was wrong the way NPR handled it. We know that the PC police overreached, but, believe me, it's not worth our outrage.
Juan has plenty of white folks (from the left and the right) who will get his back. We will sit this one out. (BTW, for a great analysis of what went on behind the scenes at NPR and why Juan 's black ass should have been fired a long time ago, read this excellent article from my friend, Farai Chideya.)
Calling Michael Steele! Calling Michael Steele!
"Jerry Alexander, campaign manager for Marvin Scott, who is challenging Rep. Andre Carson (D), said the Scott campaign has received virtually no help from state or national GOP leaders.
'If you call getting no support, not even a phone call, not even a how are you doing kind of support, then I would have to say that is a pretty accurate assessment,' Alexander said.
Alexander said that he has talked with the other 14 African-American Republican candidates’ campaigns, and each has similar complaints.
'It’s been a bunch of guys grumbling that they are getting no support,' Alexander said of a slew of e-mails that were sent back and forth this week.
Alexander, who served as Rep. Mike Pence’s political director for nearly seven years, said his former boss is the only Republican who has helped the Scott operation. Pence, who represents Indiana’s 6th district, is the GOP Conference chairman, the No. 3 Republican leader. "
Oh my! And just when I thought that I was going to give those republican folks a serious look....
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saint Juan!
BTW, I know folks call me a racism chaser, but are there any bigger racism chasers in A-merry-ca than the Radio Rwanda folks? Now they are throwing the race card into your firing? Come on, Juan, for the sake of all that is decent; please make them stop!
"..It's a howling double standard. The standard being applied to Juan Williams is manifestly not being applied to other NPR people. And I think it is simply this, that in the culture of NPR, appearing on Fox is a sin. And in the culture of NPR, for an African American man like Juan, regardless of his extraordinary stature, to be there and be kind of a Bill Cosby liberal, not a down-the-line liberal, is a sin as well. They have been gunning for him for years. These remarks about Muslim garb at airports was merely a pretext. They have been wanting to get him, and got him, and in so doing exposed themselves for who they are..."
Huh? WTF is a "Bill Cosby Liberal"? Leave it to these clowns at Radio Rwanda to take this to a whole other level. See what you are causing, Juan? Although, hey, maybe you love being the new martyr of the right. A regular Catherine Of Alexander. You are the new wingnut saint of victim- hood. And if it's one thing we know that wingnuts love to do is play the victim role. They are victim experts.
Finally, I can't let a post go without taking one more shot at my man, Uncle C.
"He was always actively watching the women he worked with to see if they could be potential partners," McEwen told the Post, adding that he was particularly "partial to women with large breasts" and even would ask woman about their bra size.
"He was obsessed with porn," McEwen also said of Thomas, a claim that is particularly relevant to Hill's allegations that the then-chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had repeatedly relayed scenes from pornographic movies to her. "He would talk about what he had seen in magazines and films, if there was something worth noting," McEwen continued.
As for why McEwen has decided to break her silence now, the Post explains that the woman who partook in Thomas's "freewheeling sex life" between 1981 and 1986 has a story to tell.
She has written a memoir, which she is now shopping to publishers. News broke that the justice's wife, Virginia Thomas, left a voice mail on Hill's office phone at Brandeis University, seeking an apology -- a request that Hill declined in a statement. After that, McEwen changed her mind and decided to talk about her relationship with Thomas."
Saturday, October 23, 2010
2010 Coonies
Wikileaks Iraq War Diaries
At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October 2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in history. The 391,832 reports ('The Iraq War Logs'), document the war and occupation in Iraq, from 1st January 2004 to 31st December 2009 (except for the months of May 2004 and March 2009) as told by soldiers in the United States Army. Each is a 'SIGACT' or Significant Action in the war. They detail events as seen and heard by the US military troops on the ground in Iraq and are the first real glimpse into the secret history of the war that the United States government has been privy to throughout.See Wikileaks.
The reports detail 109,032 deaths in Iraq, comprised of 66,081 'civilians'; 23,984 'enemy' (those labeled as insurgents); 15,196 'host nation' (Iraqi government forces) and 3,771 'friendly' (coalition forces). The majority of the deaths (66,000, over 60%) of these are civilian deaths.That is 31 civilians dying every day during the six year period. For comparison, the 'Afghan War Diaries', previously released by WikiLeaks, covering the same period, detail the deaths of some 20,000 people. Iraq during the same period, was five times as lethal with equivallent population size.
Iraq War Logs: Secret Files Show How US Ignored Torture
• Massive leak reveals serial detainee abuseA grim picture of the US and Britain's legacy in Iraq has been revealed in a massive leak of American military documents that detail torture, summary executions and war crimes.
• 15,000 unknown civilian deaths in war
• Full coverage of the Iraq war logs
Almost 400,000 secret US army field reports have been passed to the Guardian and a number of other international media organisations via the whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.
The electronic archive is believed to emanate from the same dissident US army intelligence analyst who earlier this year is alleged to have leaked a smaller tranche of 90,000 logs chronicling bloody encounters and civilian killings in the Afghan war.
The new logs detail how:
• US authorities failed to investigate hundreds of reports of abuse, torture, rape and even murder by Iraqi police and soldiers whose conduct appears to be systematic and normally unpunished.
• A US helicopter gunship involved in a notorious Baghdad incident had previously killed Iraqi insurgents after they tried to surrender.
• More than 15,000 civilians died in previously unknown incidents. US and UK officials have insisted that no official record of civilian casualties exists but the logs record 66,081 non-combatant deaths out of a total of 109,000 fatalities.
The numerous reports of detainee abuse, often supported by medical evidence, describe prisoners shackled, blindfolded and hung by wrists or ankles, and subjected to whipping, punching, kicking or electric shocks. Six reports end with a detainee's apparent death.
As recently as December the Americans were passed a video apparently showing Iraqi army officers executing a prisoner in Tal Afar, northern Iraq. The log states: "The footage shows approximately 12 Iraqi army soldiers. Ten IA soldiers were talking to one another while two soldiers held the detainee. The detainee had his hands bound … The footage shows the IA soldiers moving the detainee into the street, pushing him to the ground, punching him and shooting him."
Read the rest of the article here.
Comment: Charge George Bush and company with war crimes and crimes against humanity!
Onward! Wikileaks
Friday, October 22, 2010
Black folks, dogs, and welfare.
Anyway, tonight, once again, I want to pose a question to my black conservative friends who choose to align themselves with the republican tribe: Could one of you please explain this guy Dave Batholomew to me? And has he been denounced on your blogs and on your television station?
And, --maybe he has already, and if he has I apologize-- where is Michael Steele when you need him to come out publicly against folks like the aforementioned Mr. Bartholomew? I am just asking. Usually I wouldn't really care, but hey, it's political season, and these things tend to be kind of important around this time.
"Virginia Beach Republican Party chair Dave Bartholomew... may not be a racist, but he is certainly acting like one. Bartholomew is under fire for forwarding an e-mail comparing African Americans to dogs on welfare. I won't say another word and will let you read the e-mail yourself.
I went down this morning to sign up my Dog for welfare.
At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare".
So I explained to her that my Dog is black, unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no frigging clue who his Daddy is.
So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify...
My Dog gets his first check Friday.
Is this a great country or what?
I would say that when I saw this e-mail I was furious, but I wouldn't be telling the entire truth. Instead of being furious, I was only surprised that Bartholomew was caught. Many of us have known that the Republican Party attracts the very worst and most racist of us and is the party that every Klansman, skinhead, neo-nazi and militia member wants to join.
Their racism is typically cloaked in creative metaphors and diatribes on personal responsibility, but the truth is that being poor and/or black is a crime in the minds of many Republicans. This e-mail doesn't surprise me one bit, and I'm sure the chair was forwarding the message to another Republican.
I look forward to seeing how Bartholomew spins this one after the public expresses its outrage. He may admit that it was a horrible mistake and pretend that he's not racist. He might try to say that someone broke into his e-mail account and sent the messages without his knowledge. He may even try to justify the horrible joke in some ridiculous way. After our recent fight in the city of Syracuse about a sheriff's candidate who appears to have sent racist e-mails, I've seen how deep denial can go in the world of politics.
Dave Bartholomew needs to resign immediately. He also needs to issue an apology to the American public for passing on such an offensive message. If other Republicans do not stand together to denounce Bartholomew's actions, we will know what they are all about." [Article]
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Two millon dollars over three years?!! Juan, I bet that new contract from FOX doesn't make you nervous.
"A racially-charged exchange at a small city council meeting in Georgia has grabbed the attention of the national media and the NAACP. In the caught-on-tape exchange, Warner Robins Councilman Daron Lee, who is black, complains, “I was disrespected on Monday. I’m getting tired of you all, talking to me any kind of way. I’m not working in a cotton field.” Councilman John Williams, who is white, replies, “You should be.”
Lee stormed out of the meeting. “He smiles in your face and makes racial remarks. I am pretty much used to it by now,” he told a CNN affiliate. But Williams says the remark was innocent. “I worked in the cotton field,” he protested. “It is not a racial remark at all. He makes everything racial.” [Article]
Yes John, Negroes down south tend to be bit sensitive about things like "cotton fields". Especially when they had to work in them it for your granddaddy without getting paid.
You know what's funny? If John Williams saw Juan's black ass walking towards him in downtown Warner Robbins,Georgia, I bet he would get nervous.
Anyway, I am sorry to hear that Juan Williams lost his job because of his little verbal faux pas. We all need our jobs here in A-merry-ca, these are tough times. I am also sorry to hear that Rick Sanchez lost his job, but... *crickets*. Still, my man Juan shouldn't worry, he will be cashing more of those Rupert Murdoch checks in no time. (Wait....) Juan's problem was that he tried to play both sides of the fence. He would jig for his FOX benefactors, and turn around and write books on civil rights and address black organizations (Like the one occasion when I had to sit through his phony dribble for CLE credits. Juan, you still owe me two hours of my life.) as if we were all ideological soul- mates. At some point, Juan, the truth will catch up to you, it always does. And now you have been exposed for the charlatan you really are. You see people, it's like this: unlike most folks; I don't think Juan believes what he said about Muslims. (How could he?) I think he said that for Bill O'Lie-ly's ears. He said that to fit in with the rest of the folks at FOX and their ongoing anti-Muslim narrative. The folks over at NPR called him on it, because, I suspect, that they have been trying to get rid of his moonlighting ass all along. This just gave them an excuse.
"Michelle Obama“got this Stokely-Carmichael-in-a-designer-dress thing going,”
And you, Juan, have this Negro in a house thing going. Actually, I think I like the Michelle Obama imagery a little more than yours.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Anywhoo, let's talk about Clarence Thomas, shall we? Seems his lovely wife has some unfinished business with our girl, Anita Hill:
"I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband," the voicemail said in part, according to NBC News. "So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did."
I wonder what would lead Virginia to do this? Girlfriend, it has been 19 years; let it go! Maybe being in the tea party movement has led to some kind of epiphany, and she wants to fully embrace her spiritual side. Maybe Clarence is talking about Anita in his sleep and Ginny just can't take it anymore. Who knows?
Husbands , can you imagine this s*&t? Your significant other, out of the blue, decides to give some woman you were involved with 19 years ago a call?That is so not cool.
No Mrs. Hill, it was no prank. Girlfriend was deadly serious.
Don't do it Anita. Don't meet with her. And, if you do go, you better not go alone. You can't trust those tea party folks.
Finally, from the you can't make this stuff up department. What do you think is pissing off wingnuts about Obama these days? If you guessed his handling of the economy or the war in Afghanistan, you would be wrong. What has them seeing red now is his O-ness leaving the words "our creator" out of a couple of his speeches ,while referring to the Declaration Of Independence. My god! How will the republic survive?
Native American Farmers Settle with USDA for $760 million
The Obama administration announced a $760 million settlement Tuesday to resolve charges by thousands of Native American farmers and ranchers who say that for decades the Agriculture Department discriminated against them in loan programs.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
"Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me"...well, some of them.
The other brother who brought a smile to my face was Jimmy McMillan of New York. Jimmy is running for governor of that fine state and if I lived there he would get my vote. You have got to love the "Rent Is Too Damn High Party". In this crazy political climate guys like Jimmy McMillan are actually making sense. Go figure. Maybe "O" should hire him to replace Rahm Emanuel.
Anyway, now to my post: Tonight I want to take on one of the the darlings of conservative intellectualism; the appropriately named Thomas Sowell.
Mr. Sowell recently wrote a post about multiculturalism and, as is usually the case, he doesn't get it.
In his article he praised the Chancellor of Germany for saying that multiculturalism has failed in her country, and he rips -what he calls- the "high IQ" folks for failing to see the obvious: that millions of foreign workers in Germany who failed to assimilate into that country's culture, has created problems for the government.
In truth; conservatives here in A-merry-ca are all fired up because of Merkel's recent comments. But my question to them would be this: Why? How do they equate German society to what currently exists in these divided states? Clearly they do not know the history of that country and what it represents. Here is what she said:
"We kidded ourselves for a while," ...said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could "live side-by-side" and "enjoy each other" has "failed, utterly failed."
But let's see what that "brilliant" conservative thinker, Thomas Sowell, has to say:
Even the tragedies and atrocities associated with racial differences in racist countries have been exceeded by the tragedies and atrocities among people with clashing cultures who are physically indistinguishable from one another, as in the Balkans or Rwanda.
Among the ways that people with different cultures have managed to minimize frictions have been (1) mutual cultural accommodations, even while not amalgamating completely, and (2) living separately in their own enclaves. Both of these approaches are anathema to the multicultural cultists.
Expecting any group to adapt their lifestyles to the cultural values of the larger society around them is "cultural imperialism" according to the multicultural cult. And living in separate neighborhoods is considered to be so terrible that there are government-financed programs to take people from high-crime slums and put them in subsidized housing in middle-class neighborhoods.
Multiculturalists condemn people's objections to transplanting hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families into the midst of people who may have sacrificed for years to be able to escape from living among hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families. "
Russel Means on Being American Indian
Read Russel Means' 1980 speech from which the above extract is taken.
For more information on Means and his struggles see the Republic of Lakota website.
Picture Credit Unknown
Monday, October 18, 2010
Why is the word party in their name? These guys aren't very much fun.
"A mysterious package arrived at the NAACP’s headquarter in Washington D.C. this afternoon. The envelope, filled with a white powder, sat in a conference room as staffers worked to alert authorities. While the organization is still investigating the envelope’s contents, it cannot confirm if it is a threat. But NAACP President Ben Jealous says the organization has seen a number of death threats over the past few weeks as it has ramped up pressure on the conservative Tea Party movement.
“We have received dozens of death threats, more than 100, since we called for the Tea Party to expel racists from its ranks,” Jealous told today. The 37-year-old says the NAAC,P along with a number of black congressmen and women, have been at the end of racially motivated intimidation over the past few weeks. He says the harassment stems from their protest against racism within the Tea Party. " [Article]
Say it ain't so, Ben. And here I thought the teabaggers were just a bunch of nice older white folks.
Speaking of the tea party; it seems that their candidate up in Alaska has his own ideas about the First Amendment:
"Security guards for Alaska senate candidate Joe Miller handcuffed and detained the editor of the online magazine "Alaska Dispatch" on Sunday while he tried to interview the Republican nominee, according to multiple reports.
The Anchorage Daily News reports that Tony Hopfinger, who founded and edits "Alaska Dispatch," was arrested by Miller's private guards at an Anchorage school. The senate hopeful was on hand as part of a town hall event.
The firm that handles Miller's security says that Hopfinger shoved a man, but Hopfinger claims that he only pushed back at a guard after the guard began pushing him.
According to an article at the website for "Alaska Dispatch," Hopfinger was warned that he would be charged with trespassing if he did not cease asking questions and leave the premises:" [Article]
Yes, watch those questions. Some of my tea party friends aren't very comfortable with things like questions. Answering them might actually involve using their brains.
Yep, those tea party folks are something else. I just hope that they stick around for awhile. Politics is so much more fun now.
Finally, on a far more serious note: I see that another young African American man lost his life due to the actions of the po po up in the Empire State. I wonder what he did which was so egregious that caused him to pay for it with his life? Wait....
"..Investigators said several dozen police officers responded to a large brawl that occurred outside Finnegan's Grill in Thornwood, N.Y. early Sunday morning, and Mount Pleasant Police Chief; Louis Alagno said at least 4 officers were directly involved in the incident with Henry.
A Mount Pleasant police officer, identified Monday as Ronald Gagnon, approached Henry's Nissan Altima which was parked in a fire lane. For reasons unknown, Henry junior drove away into the path of a second officer, Aaron Hess, who ended up on the hood of the vehicle as it accelerated, reports CBS station WCBS.
Alagno told the station that at some point Officer Hess drew his weapon and fired into the vehicle.
The chief said in addition to another officer who was struck by Henry's side view mirror, the fourth and last officer involved in the incident drew his weapon as Henry's vehicle came in his direction, and also fired.
Henry who hails from Easton, Mass. was shot and killed, and his front seat passenger, 20-year-old Brandon Cox of South Easton, Mass., was also shot, but survived. A third, rear seat passenger, 21-year-old Desmond Hinds of Stamford, Connecticut, also survived with unknown injuries." [Article]