Before I drop my next post, I want to give a shout out to two brothers who made my day yesterday. The first is my man Rasheen Bingham, who, to his credit, defused what could have been a deadly situation on a city bus here in Killadelphia. Please watch the video of grandma threatening to pop some young girl's top for talking too loud on her cell phone. Here in Killadelphia we have got to work on our anger management.
The other brother who brought a smile to my face was Jimmy McMillan of New York. Jimmy is running for governor of that fine state and if I lived there he would get my vote. You have got to love the "Rent Is Too Damn High Party". In this crazy political climate guys like Jimmy McMillan are actually making sense. Go figure. Maybe "O" should hire him to replace Rahm Emanuel.
Anyway, now to my post: Tonight I want to take on one of the the darlings of conservative intellectualism; the appropriately named Thomas Sowell.
Mr. Sowell recently wrote a post about multiculturalism and, as is usually the case, he doesn't get it.
In his article he praised the Chancellor of Germany for saying that multiculturalism has failed in her country, and he rips -what he calls- the "high IQ" folks for failing to see the obvious: that millions of foreign workers in Germany who failed to assimilate into that country's culture, has created problems for the government.
In truth; conservatives here in A-merry-ca are all fired up because of Merkel's recent comments. But my question to them would be this: Why? How do they equate German society to what currently exists in these divided states? Clearly they do not know the history of that country and what it represents. Here is what she said:
"We kidded ourselves for a while," ...said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could "live side-by-side" and "enjoy each other" has "failed, utterly failed."
The other brother who brought a smile to my face was Jimmy McMillan of New York. Jimmy is running for governor of that fine state and if I lived there he would get my vote. You have got to love the "Rent Is Too Damn High Party". In this crazy political climate guys like Jimmy McMillan are actually making sense. Go figure. Maybe "O" should hire him to replace Rahm Emanuel.
Anyway, now to my post: Tonight I want to take on one of the the darlings of conservative intellectualism; the appropriately named Thomas Sowell.
Mr. Sowell recently wrote a post about multiculturalism and, as is usually the case, he doesn't get it.
In his article he praised the Chancellor of Germany for saying that multiculturalism has failed in her country, and he rips -what he calls- the "high IQ" folks for failing to see the obvious: that millions of foreign workers in Germany who failed to assimilate into that country's culture, has created problems for the government.
In truth; conservatives here in A-merry-ca are all fired up because of Merkel's recent comments. But my question to them would be this: Why? How do they equate German society to what currently exists in these divided states? Clearly they do not know the history of that country and what it represents. Here is what she said:
"We kidded ourselves for a while," ...said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could "live side-by-side" and "enjoy each other" has "failed, utterly failed."
OK, fine. But madam Chancellor, A-merry-ca was built on principles of multiculturalism. It is what A-merry-cans will tell you makes this country great. People of different races, religions, cultures, belief systems and backgrounds, being able to live and work "side-by-side" while they pursue happiness. Did my conservative brothers and sisters forget that beautiful little sonnet by Emma Lazarus? I hope not.
But let's see what that "brilliant" conservative thinker, Thomas Sowell, has to say:
"This is not a lesson for Germany alone. In countries around the world, and over the centuries, peoples with jarring differences in language, cultures and values have been a major problem and, too often, sources of major disasters for the societies in which they co-exist.
Even the tragedies and atrocities associated with racial differences in racist countries have been exceeded by the tragedies and atrocities among people with clashing cultures who are physically indistinguishable from one another, as in the Balkans or Rwanda.
Among the ways that people with different cultures have managed to minimize frictions have been (1) mutual cultural accommodations, even while not amalgamating completely, and (2) living separately in their own enclaves. Both of these approaches are anathema to the multicultural cultists.
Expecting any group to adapt their lifestyles to the cultural values of the larger society around them is "cultural imperialism" according to the multicultural cult. And living in separate neighborhoods is considered to be so terrible that there are government-financed programs to take people from high-crime slums and put them in subsidized housing in middle-class neighborhoods.
Multiculturalists condemn people's objections to transplanting hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families into the midst of people who may have sacrificed for years to be able to escape from living among hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families. "
Even the tragedies and atrocities associated with racial differences in racist countries have been exceeded by the tragedies and atrocities among people with clashing cultures who are physically indistinguishable from one another, as in the Balkans or Rwanda.
Among the ways that people with different cultures have managed to minimize frictions have been (1) mutual cultural accommodations, even while not amalgamating completely, and (2) living separately in their own enclaves. Both of these approaches are anathema to the multicultural cultists.
Expecting any group to adapt their lifestyles to the cultural values of the larger society around them is "cultural imperialism" according to the multicultural cult. And living in separate neighborhoods is considered to be so terrible that there are government-financed programs to take people from high-crime slums and put them in subsidized housing in middle-class neighborhoods.
Multiculturalists condemn people's objections to transplanting hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families into the midst of people who may have sacrificed for years to be able to escape from living among hoodlums, criminals and dysfunctional families. "
That, quit frankly, was garbage. And it is exactly why the conservative movement in this country is so intellectually bankrupt. If they consider clowns like Sowell to be a brilliant, I wonder what the not so brilliant thinkers of their ilk has to offer?
But let's dissect it a little bit: So according to the anti- multiculturalist (like Sowell) the minority in a given society should adopt the lifestyle of the majority?- Hmmmm, sounds a lot like Communism to me.- Whatever happened to individual liberties and freedom? And who said that multiculturalist objected to transplanting "hoodlums, criminals, and "dysfunctional families" away from people who want to do the opposite? By this logic he is admitting that some of these people who choose not to assimilate into the larger culture by adopting it's lifestyles are good people. So what's the problem?
He blames multiculturalism for the atrocities that took place in places like Rwanda and the Balkans; forgetting , of course, that the people who were at war with each other were natives of those very same countries.
So what exactly is it about multiculturalism that scares the right and their gatekeepers like Sowell so much? It's simple. The fear of losing political power and influence. They know that people who might look and act differently than they do will not embrace their politics of division and fear, so they must be marginalized and kept at a minimum. They know that what is happening in Germany is in no way analogous to the situation in this country, but they need something, anything, to justify their absurd and farcical positions.
Nice try Mr. Sowell, but us folks in the "multiculturalist cult" are not moved. No one denies that immigrants have some duties to assimilate if they want to live in a country, but I am pretty sure that is not what you want. You don't want them here at all. You want Lady Liberty to be much more selective with her "huddled masses." Sorry, I like my "cult". I still want a little flavor in our A-merry-ca. I hate bland stuff.
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