It's only fitting that here in A-merry-ca two comedians held a very successful rally on the hallowed grounds of the Washington Mall today. They mocked the folks on both extremes of the A-merry-can ideological spectrum, and they exposed the A-merry-can political debate for the fraudulent discordant charade it has become. Throw in my home-boyz, The Roots, and folks like Tony Bennett, (who, by the way, I love) and you had a real party. I suspect that is why many folks went in the first place.- For the party. Which is all good as far as I am concerned.
While political pimps like Glenn Beckkk continue to exploit the fears of a certain segment of the population, cable television continues to show us their fears 24/7 and rake in advertising dollars along the way. What a country! Of course it helps if Beckkk and his ilk are being paid by some of the same cable television networks to keep the fear going. The irony is, of course, that the organizers of today's rally were also created and packaged to the A-merry-can people by cable television. I hope the irony wasn't lost on Jon Stewart, and I hope he won't take himself too seriously like the aforementioned Mr. Beckkk.
Still, we needed a rally to "restore sanity." When you have folks writing crap like this, you have to wonder how many rallies it will take to purge the insane from among us. With all due respect to Colbert and Stewart; the name of their rally was misleading. It was misleading because these rabid wingnuts with their manufactured anger- which was bought and paid for by corporate interests, were never sane to begin with.
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