Thursday, October 14, 2010

It's too late Mrs. Obama; dirty spirits are already here.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me." ~Psalm 51:10~

Mrs. First Lady, let me help you out a little bit, because no one seems to want to get your back. I know that is the scripture you were thinking of when you asked us to get in our prayer circles and pray to keep dirty spirits away from you and "O".

I see that you are under attack from the wingnuts for asking us black folks to pray for you and keep "the spirits around" you "clean". And, as is to be expected, the wingnuts are losing their minds. You have become the butt of all their jokes. Glenn Beckkk, a man who is supposed to be religious, and who has called A-merry-cans to turn to god, dedicated damn near an hour of his show to making fun of you and your religious reference. Nice people those Christians. Remind me to reserve separate rooms when I get to heaven.

Look, I know why you had to go on Tom Joyner . You had to appeal to us old reliable black folks to send a shout out for you and his O ness upstairs to the big guy. Lord knows he will need all the prayers he can get. If it's one thing black folks can do is pray. Unfortunately, I don't think all the prayers in the world will stop the wingnuts from big wins this November. But you have to do what you have to do. You are the designated black person in the White House.

Still, this is all a little unsettling. Even for an agnostic like myself. Here we are supposed to be a Christian nation and wingnut Christians are making fun of you because you asked your people to pray for you and "keep clean spirits around" you. Folks in the majority sure don't understand black folks and their religion. Personally, I wish we would have kept all the religions from the old country. A little Obeah would have been just fine with me. That would have really scared white folks. -Well, except for white folks like Christine O'Donnell. She is already a witch.-

"So, once again, we have the power. We’ve got this man in office. I think we’re all proud of Barack and his accomplishments. Everybody I know in our communities are praying for us. Every day we feel that. And let me just tell your listeners that it means all the world to us to know that there are prayer circles out there and people who are keeping the spirits clean around us."

Michelle, there are a lot of spirits around us, and they ain't clean. Maybe that prayer circle will have to get a little larger. Somebody hold my hand.

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