Friday, October 1, 2010

Government "behaving badly."

O man WTF? You are going to have to insist that the folks who work in and around the White House use common sense while carrying out their day to day duties. When I heard what happened to Vernon Baker's grandson I was seriously pissed off.

"SPOKANE, Wash. - The White House apologized Thursday for turning the family of a Medal of Honor recipient away from an exclusive tour last week because the late veteran's 10-year-old grandson was wearing shorts.

Vernon Baker, the last surviving black Medal of Honor winner from World War II, was buried Friday at Arlington National Cemetery after dying in July from complications of brain cancer at age 90. He belatedly received the military's top award from President Bill Clinton in 1997, after historians concluded he'd been wrongly denied because of his race.

On Saturday, his widow and grandson went to the White House for a special tour of the West Wing, which includes the Oval Office and rooms that are in use.

The staffer who was to lead the family wasn't sure whether 10-year-old Vernon Pawlik's attire , shorts and a T-shirt bearing a picture of the boy's grandfather , was considered appropriate.."

You have got to be kidding me! And no, I am not crying racism, just stupidity on this one. I honestly think that dumb ass staffer would have turned away a white family for the same reason. Oh, and BTW, the boy's T-shirt had a picture of his grandfather. Could they have f&^%*d this up anymore? Yes, I believe that they could have. [Article]

Finally, you have got to love A-merry-can exceptionalism. We are so much more important than other folks that we experiment on them for the greater good of us god fearing folks. Hell they were just a bunch of poor Central Americans who really don't contribute much to humanity, so why not use them as guinea pigs? Besides, they were just prison inmates and mental patients. And, if we are going to be honest, here in A-merry-ca we have our own second class citizens to experiment on , so we really didn't need the Guatemalans.

Still, I am glad O and his peeps apologized, it was long overdue. I just wonder how long it would have taken for someone to discover this little incident if Susan Reverby didn't have a curious mind.

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