Sunday, October 31, 2010

Scary people.

In honor of Halloween, here are some of the scariest people in A-merry-ca. (Not necessarily in order of scariness.)

1. Charles & David Koch: These clowns represent the money behind the teabag movement. They made millions from *shakes and fries, and now they are trying to make sure that they don''t have to share it. (*Correction from that previous post. It is Ray Kroc of McDonald's fame who made money from shakes and fries. His burgers and some of his managers might be scary, but he is not.)

2. Glen Beckkk: I spell his name that way for a reason.

3. Rupert Murdoch: He owns Radio Rwanda. Nuff said.

4. Clarence Thomas: Quite possibly the worst member of the supremes since Roger B. Taney.

5. Wayne LaPierre: The head honcho over at the NRA. Over one million homicides from firearms here in A-merry-ca since 1962. Now that's scary.

6. Erik Prince: This religious fanatic owns the worlds most powerful private army. He helped another religious fanatic, George Bush, prosecute the war in Iraq.

7. The members of the CNP (Council for National Policy): If you don't know who they are you might need to start reading more.

8. Simon Cowell: I am only using him because he has contributed to the dumbing down of our culture with shows like -his- American Idol.

9. Timothy Geithner: The former head CEO and president of the federal reserve bank is now Treasury Secretary of these divided states. I don't know about you, but he scares me.

10. Andrew Breitbart & Matt Drudge: Millions of people read their nefarious slant to the news every day. But as long as they are paid they will keep doing what they do. Here is hoping that Shirley Sherrod takes Andrew Breitbart to the cleaners.


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