Who said the tea party folks were soft? They didn't seem that soft in Kentucky recently. That was a blue grass beatdown if I ever saw one. Or, as my man Rippa called it: A "Kirk Franklin approved...."Rand Paul Somp." It won't be long before politics here in A-merry-ca looks like politics in my country. As the rich folks continue to get richer, those of us left behind will continue to beat up on each other while we fight for what little scraps they leave us.
Honestly, WTF is that Rand Paul supporter so angry about that he has to put a beat down on that young woman? (Yes, I said woman) And, if I am going to be fair, I have to ask the same thing of the SEIU folks who went all Floyd Mayweather on some black wingnut from the Lou. Do you see that folks? I am consistent. I am not condoning violence on either side.
Here is the thing, A-merry-ca: you don't have to be this angry. You live in A-merry-ca. I am pretty sure that if either a dem or a repub gets elected you will still have your three bedroom two bath home in suburbia. You will still be able to buy dog food for Fido, and your kids will still be able to attend a school in a....ahhm...safe environment. So relax. It's not like you live in a Third World country or anything. Not yet. The uber rich will give you just enough to keep you thinking that one day, if you are lucky, (and if those evil tax loving democrats stay out of your way) you will be just as rich as they are. "Pursuing happiness is much easier if you are rich. It's no wonder that wingnut went nuts (pun intended) in Kentucky. He wants to be rich; just like his heroes. If only the folks on the left would see it his way. I am sure he is thinking that we all could be rich together.
Finally, could you all peep this Wacka Flocka parody of his O ness and tell me what you think?
I am curious about something. It's a little sociological study I am doing for my dissertation while I study for my doctorate in fieldology. Thanks.
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