Saturday, October 2, 2010

A "Smaller more diverse" crowd.

It was nice to see all that diversity on display in DC today. I bet folks in red states A-merry-ca took it all in and thought to themselves, WTF? I am not sure exactly how many folks turned out, but it looked like a nice crowd. All the usual suspects were there to fire up the crowd and demand jobs and justice. But, more importantly, they encouraged folks to go to the polls and vote. Still, I think Beckkk and company had them beat. (A smaller more diverse crowd they are calling it) But hey, those folks with Beckkk are more motivated. And, let's not forget; they have more dollars.

Seeing progressives actually putting their boots on the ground is encouraging. I know that in Europe folks aren't afraid to hit the streets. They want jobs and they are angry, so they march. Unemployment is at damn near 20% for black folks here in A-merry-ca and we sit.- Should I get into the poverty disparity? Nah, I think I will save that for another post.-

If there is one thing we know for sure it's this: the folks in DC today weren't sitting:

"Soraya Gardner of Yardley, Pa., a union member, said she’s sick of “the racism, the tea party stuff.” She, her husband and her daughters stood with signs reading: “The Coffee Party: Wake up America!” and “Hey Glenn, We’re here. You’re not. Honor restored. You’re welcome.”

Peggy Brown, who lives in the Washington suburbs, said “Fox News, that’s about as bad as you can get” and that conservative personalities Beck, Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh “preach and spew out hate” and have “brainwashed” Americans.

“Are you smarter than a half-term governor?” read the poster Cornelius Boss of Columbus, Ohio, was carrying, taped to a toilet seat along with a photo of ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Matthew Leber, a member of the University of Massachusetts teachers' association, said he was rallying out of concern for his four granddaughters’ future. Their father lost his job nearly two years ago.

“The government needs to give incentives, tax breaks and whatever it takes for people to get back to work and stop giving tax breaks to the rich,” Leber said."

Yes, but remember Matthew, you are the government.
The wingnuts are calling what happened in DC today Left-a-palooza, and soon you will be hearing and reading about the small numbers and all the radicalism and Communism that was on display down there from all of the wingnut blogs. In fact, let me give you a little of it now to save you the trouble of having to put any millage on your mouse:
"Regular readers are also familiar with many of the “One Nation” organizations’ progressive K Street/DC roots.

Open-borders zealots will be out in full force. No doubt some of the same types of paid, non-English-speaking day laborers who’ve been hired by California Democrats will also be in attendance.

Their creed: One Nation, under government, indebted to Soros, with mortgage payments and social justice for all.

The union buses are still rolling in, but at the “One Nation” site, they’ve already posted aspirational photos of the scene at the mall:"
Isn't A-merry-ca great?

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