Anywhoo, let's talk about Clarence Thomas, shall we? Seems his lovely wife has some unfinished business with our girl, Anita Hill:
"I would love you to consider an apology sometime and some full explanation of why you did what you did with my husband," the voicemail said in part, according to NBC News. "So give it some thought and certainly pray about this and come to understand why you did what you did."
I wonder what would lead Virginia to do this? Girlfriend, it has been 19 years; let it go! Maybe being in the tea party movement has led to some kind of epiphany, and she wants to fully embrace her spiritual side. Maybe Clarence is talking about Anita in his sleep and Ginny just can't take it anymore. Who knows?
Husbands , can you imagine this s*&t? Your significant other, out of the blue, decides to give some woman you were involved with 19 years ago a call?That is so not cool.
No Mrs. Hill, it was no prank. Girlfriend was deadly serious.
Don't do it Anita. Don't meet with her. And, if you do go, you better not go alone. You can't trust those tea party folks.
Finally, from the you can't make this stuff up department. What do you think is pissing off wingnuts about Obama these days? If you guessed his handling of the economy or the war in Afghanistan, you would be wrong. What has them seeing red now is his O-ness leaving the words "our creator" out of a couple of his speeches ,while referring to the Declaration Of Independence. My god! How will the republic survive?
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