Monday, October 25, 2010

Sorry Juan, you will have to "fight the power" without us.

Someone asked me earlier: "Field, why is it that black folks like you turned on Juan Williams, when damn near everyone else in A-merry-ca, including Michael Moore, thinks that he was wronged?"

I will write for you what I told my curious friend: Juan Williams, is a disappointment to most black folks. He represents the type of wishy washy Negro in A-merry-ca who makes it hard to convey our pain and frustration to those who need to know. In his high profile media position, he might as well be just another white host pontificating about the politics of the day. Which is fine, if he is just another political pundit on television who just happens to be black. With Juan you always get the impression-at least when he is on FOX-that he is the token black guy, and he is playing the role of the Negro "contrarian".

Unfortunately for us black folks, Juan never seemed to play that role very well. He never expressed what we were really thinking. Which, I suspect, is just the way FOX wanted it. (The fake black man on a fake news station) I bet that all those lily white families watching in red state A-merry-ca clung to Juan's every word as if it was black gospel. Juan is black A-merry-ca. Not. So when Juan said that he gets nervous when he sees people in Muslim garb we (black folks) immediately felt outrage and thought: this is bulls&^%! In urban areas across A-merry-ca we see and interact with folks in Muslim garb damn near every day, -And yes, I know, they aren't all necessarily Middle Eastern men- and they sure don't make us nervous.

I have said this before, but it's worth repeating: They don't make Juan nervous,either. He was just saying what he thought that the lily white family in Iowa wanted to hear. That is why black folks aren't crying a river over Juan's firing. Yes, we know that it was wrong the way NPR handled it. We know that the PC police overreached, but, believe me, it's not worth our outrage.
Juan has plenty of white folks (from the left and the right) who will get his back. We will sit this one out. (BTW, for a great analysis of what went on behind the scenes at NPR and why Juan 's black ass should have been fired a long time ago, read this excellent article from my friend, Farai Chideya.)

Calling Michael Steele! Calling Michael Steele!

"Jerry Alexander, campaign manager for Marvin Scott, who is challenging Rep. Andre Carson (D), said the Scott campaign has received virtually no help from state or national GOP leaders.
'If you call getting no support, not even a phone call, not even a how are you doing kind of support, then I would have to say that is a pretty accurate assessment,' Alexander said.

Alexander said that he has talked with the other 14 African-American Republican candidates’ campaigns, and each has similar complaints.

'It’s been a bunch of guys grumbling that they are getting no support,' Alexander said of a slew of e-mails that were sent back and forth this week.

Alexander, who served as Rep. Mike Pence’s political director for nearly seven years, said his former boss is the only Republican who has helped the Scott operation. Pence, who represents Indiana’s 6th district, is the GOP Conference chairman, the No. 3 Republican leader. "

Oh my! And just when I thought that I was going to give those republican folks a serious look....

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