Monday, September 13, 2010

I must be slipping.

I know that when I have on my Air R's I can chase racism with the best of them. But.....

"Black Eyed Peas' frontman is as well-known for his outrageous costumes as he is for his chart-topping hits.

However, the rapper's get-up during Sunday night's MTV Video Music Awards wasn't met with a warm welcome this time around.

The singer, who performed during the VMA pre-show alongside singer Nicki Minaj, outraged many fans when he appeared to be wearing blackface.

In addition to donning black face paint, also wore an all-black leather ensemble, complete with a matching shiny hair piece.

Following his performance, the Twitterverse ran amok, slamming the 35-year-old rapper and comparing his look to 19th century minstrel shows in which white actors performed in theatrical black make-up, which propagated racist stereotypes toward African Americans." [Article]

Maybe I am getting slower as I age, and my racism chasing speed isn't what it used to be, but I am looking at my man's outfit, and it just seems like a futuristic costume for a performance. In fact, it kind of coordinates with what the female rapper is wearing.

"Just because I [wear] all black including head mask as expression and emphasize my outfit, it shouldn't be looked at as racial...There are far more important things 2 bark about. (Jobs, health, education) not a black man wearing all black everything. Are you guys serious? My outfit set 'black people back 100 years' choose your twits wisely. No education sets people back, no jobs, bad health." [Article]

Yes Will, they are serious. Negroes in A-merry-ca are so sensitive these days.

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