Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Pledge.

Congrats to you folks in Newark for having your first murder free month since 1966. Hmmm, maybe "the times they are a changing." Here in Philly we would settle for a murder free weekend.
Damn! They are trying to put bloggers to death in Iran. That is not cool. Fortunately in the land of the the [some are] free it's nice to know that I can get on my computer and write what's on my mind every night. I think I will enjoy it while I can. I sense a wingnut wave getting ready to sweep over Washington. There is no telling what those clowns will do when they wrestle power from the dumbocrats.

They have already made their "Pledge to America" in anticipation of their takeover.
I guess this is a variation of their "Contract on America" which they put out when Newt was literally running wild down there.

"The "Pledge to America," circulated to GOP lawmakers Wednesday, emphasizes job creation and spending control, as well as changing the way Congress does business. It steered clear of controversial issues such as Social Security and Medicare, big drivers of deficit spending.

It pairs some familiar Republican ideas – such as deep spending cuts, medical liability reform and stricter border enforcement – with an anti-government call to action that draws on tea party themes and echoes voters' disgruntlement with the economy and Obama's leadership.

"Regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent," reads a preamble to the agenda. "An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many."

I swear these people are delusional. An "arrogant and out-of-touch government"? That sounds a lot like the one we just had for the past eight years. "Deep spending cuts" from where? I bet that isn't in the pledge. What will they cut? And how much of it will they cut out?

But A-merry-ca needs a pledge. (Pledge has such a nice pietistic sound to it.) She needs to be reassured. We are lurching too much to the left. We are becoming a lot like one of those European countries we despise so much. A pledge coming from those types of faces that we know and trust will make us feel a whole lot better. (Hint hint.)

“It is a document that outlines not just the direction and our intent but how we will stand together and move this country forward together.”

His O ness will be glad to hear that. He was, after all, the change candidate.

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