Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Calling all Obamaholics!

Let me start this post by saying RIP Elizabeth Edwards, you went down with dignity. Breast cancer is a bitch!
Now let me get to my man O and these tax cuts he officially caved on today.

First, a few words for some folks like Bill Maher who are taking certain liberties with his O ness because of his race. Stop it! You can criticize his "wimpiness" without making reference to his black side. Like WTF? You never heard of wimpy black people? Just because he is black doesn't mean he has to fit into your stereotype of black people. That sh&^t is ignorant and backwards.

"Bill Maher expressed disappointment and frustration with President Obama on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" on Sunday. The president, he said, has been too timid in pursuing the Democratic agenda. "I thought, when we elected the first black president, as a comedian, I thought two years in, I'd be making jokes about what a gangsta he was, you know?" Maher said. Instead, Maher said we've got "President Wayne Brady."

Huh? Memo to Bill: just because you get some black loving every now and then, doesn't mean you get a black pass. Obama is an Ivy League educated lawyer who grew up in Hawaii you ignorant mother.....let me stop. -My sister told me to stop cursing so much on my blog- Did you expect him to get all gully like some dude from deep in the streets of North Philly?

And while I am on the subject; it's not only Bill Maher, some of you Negroes are doing the same thing. Who the hell is Laura Washington? This clown wrote an article titled: "Many prodding Obama to go black." Again, what does that even mean? Go black? How about just going smart? And yet another one of those not black enough headlines. This one from my friends over at the Maynard Institute (who, by the way, I love) and the subtle...well not so subtle imagery from that *cartoon above by the very white Mike Lukovich. And question for Courtland Milloy: why does he have to "throw some elbows"? (Pleeeese tell me that wasn't a reference to the Ludicrous song?) Is it just me or does it seem like the entire country is caught up in some fifties Tarzan movie?

So on and on it goes. The left is pissed at our bridge building president and rightfully so. You don't build bridges with people who don't want to cross it. They will wait until you are in the middle and then blow it up. But we need sensible commentary about the issues and the shortcomings of Obama the man. Not the black man.

I am not mad at folks like Glen Ford (although I don't necessarily agree with him. I will take the 50% of what O does right, over the 0% of what the wingnut in charge would be doing right any day) because he has been on Obama's case from day one. Or, the always refulgent Kristina vanden Heuvel, (this latest post was money) because she is always consistent with the issues and where she stands as a progressive in this country.

Still, you have to wonder; all these leftist and liberals jumping from the good ship O.--- Where are the Obamaholics when you need them?What happened to you bloggers O invited to the White House?----

Watch how you jump ship, folks. Unlike our boy, you can't walk on water.

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