Monday, December 13, 2010

Oprah, next time take in a nice game of Cricket.

How is this for irony? So Ms. O's peeps were upset when she visited a doll shop "down under" and found "Mamee dolls" for sale.

This is ironic, because some would argue that part of the reason for Ms. O's allure and staying power is because millions of suburban housewives who are her loyal viewers tune in because of a do I say this? "Mamee" comfort level.

"As part of her Australian adventure, for some reason Oprah Winfrey thought it was important for her lucky troupe of 300 viewers to visit the Dafel Dolls And Bear Shop in Melbourne. Who knows? Perhaps this store has a cultural legacy that makes it of critical importance to visit when one goes to Australia. But Ms. Winfrey was shocked and disturbed when her producers discovered that this store makes some of its money by promoting one of the most unflattering stereotypes of black women in history: the mammy. Yet, she visited the store anyway. Hip Hop Wired offers a summary of what occurred:

An Australian store was forced to remove seemingly racist dolls called "Mamee Dolls" to prepare for a visit from Oprah Winfrey.

As previously reported, Winfrey and her audience on an eight-day Aussie adventure as part of her 'Favorite Things' segment give-away.

According to the Herald Sun, the talk show mogul and her 300 guests were scheduled to visit The Dafel Dolls And Bear Shop in Melbourne when her producers requested that the store's "Mamee" dolls be removed from the shelves.

The Mamee dolls show a dark skinned African-American woman with red lipstick, wearing a maid costume and a scarf around her head.

The store owner reportedly obliged and the dolls were removed." [Story]

A couple of questions: Why was Ms. Winfrey "shocked and disturbed"? Does she really believe that the world that exists on the set of Harpo Productions- where all those white assistants fawn over her is the real world? Second question: Why did the store owner remove his/her Mamees just to accommodate Ms. O? Is he/she not going to put them right back out after she leaves? And I know I said a couple, but I have one more: If Ms. O was so offended, why did she still go to the shop?

It's been a rough week for Ms. O. (Rough being a relative term.) Seems some folks were saying that she was trying out for The Color Purple 2 by doing a little acting when she sat down recently with Barbara Walters:

"There is no way Oprah would be able to end her 25 year run without any noise. Only two days after Oprah’s interview with Barbara Walter aired, now writer and journalist Ian Halperin, suggest that one of Oprhah’s former employees has decided to share some info on the fake tears shed during the taping…

Oprah Winfrey had a dramatic display of emotions, in an interview with Barbara Walters, when she rebutted rumors that she was in a secret lesbian relationship with BFF Gayle King.

However; investigative journalist and writer, Author Ian Halperin claims the billionaire media mogul used a special chemical so she could come across all emotional for the Barbara Walters’ interview.

“She wanted to make the interview as dramatic as possible so she could promote her new TV station,” said one of Oprah’s former employees.

“Her tears were fake. She put a chemical in her eye to make her cry. She has used that technique before on her show.” [Story]

Don't worry about the haters Ms. O. I got your back. Do you have any of those giveaways left?

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