Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Imagine there's no hypocrites in Washington.

So it's been thirty years since that wack job with the Catcher in the Rye jones put a cap in John Lennon's dome. He seemed like a cool dude and all, but I never understood the obsession. (Field, that's heresy! I know.) This is how f&^%$d up I am; Ringo Starr has always been my favorite Beatle.

Anyway, it looks like O might share a tragic anniversary with Lennon. This is the day that Lennon died, and it might very well be the day that the Obama mystique died as well. (At least with the lefties) I sure hope not. Maybe he will be ultimately viewed as a disappointment, but he does have two years to go. That is an eternity in polit-tricks.

Folks want to know why I am not as pissed off about his O ness caving as some other people, and I always have to explain that I never expected as much from the man as the people who are crying a river now. I took him for what he was: a career politician raised in old school democratic urban politics with a centrist and go along to get along mind set. He is no more no less. Ultimately what type of president he was going to be was going to depend on the people he surrounded himself with. That's why I was disappointed when I saw the first cast of characters.
---I am still waiting for someone to get his ear who knows what is going on with real people in A-merry-ca.

Still, what is pissing me is watching folks like Mary Landrieu play Jane f&^%$#g Addams all of a sudden. Give me a break! Question for folks like Michael Collins over at the Agonist; why are you even using Mary Landrieu as an example of liberal angst?

"Here's what Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu said about the deal. Landrieu is a conservative Southern Democrat with big energy agenda. She represents a very conservative state. Even she knows this deal is a disaster.

"He's enthusiastic about this new arrangement dealing with the Republican caucus that stated, according to their leader, their number one objective is to unseat him. I can understand trying to appeal to independent voters. I do that myself. I think it's very important. But this sort of enthusiasm for caucusing with Republicans – and he didn't even, literally, didn't even speak to the Democratic caucus. Not any of it. Not the liberal group, not the moderate group, not the conservative group," said Landrieu. Senate Democrats Openly Upset with Tax Cut Deal

When Mary Landrieu opposes your strategy on tax cuts for the rich, you know you've gone too far. But Obama is just doing his job, the one he signed up for - an elegant, charming functionary for the ruling class who could fool people just long enough to allow the Bush bailout looting to continue in full force."

Ahhh excuse? Let me remind you folks of something: MARY LANDRIEU VOTED FOR THE BUSH TAX CUTS! (h/t Lawrence O'Donnell for calling out this fraud)

" this "is beyond politics. This is about justice and doing what's right."

O- man, no wonder you're going gray.

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