Monday, September 5, 2011

No love on Labor Day.

Today is Labor Day in the land of the [some are] free. Although, sad to say, if you are a laborer in A-merry-ca, these are not happy times for you. You can't find work, and when you do find work, you can't feed your families with the salary that your employer pays you.

Obama was in Detroit among some friendly faces and he was trying to fire up the crowd by calling out the folks  in Washington. But O, always the gentleman, still believes that he can hold hands with republicans and sing Kumbaya. It will never happen. He must not have heard them in South Carolina today. They were all there taking shots at his administration and his policies. (All except Perry who had to run home to Texas because of all the fires. I wonder why he didn't just ask the big gal up above to bring him some rain? He claims to be close to her, so now is his time to prove it.) They think he is a tyrant and a man who is trying to fundamentally change A-merry-ca as they know it. So why would they even try to negotiate or compromise with someone like that? They won't.

"I also want to talk about the work you’ve been doing for decades: Work to make sure that folks get an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s work. Work to make sure that families get a fair shake. The work you've done that helped build the greatest middle class the world has ever known. I’m talking about the work that got us a 40-hour workweek and weekends, and paid leave and pensions, and the minimum wage and health insurance, and Social Security and Medicare -- (applause) -- the cornerstones of middle-class security. That's because of your work."

"Why all the talk of Work, Obama? See honey, I told you that he was a commie." 

Finally, what is wrong with you people in New York? You are getting more like Killadelphia everyday. Twenty four people shot in twenty four hours? Bodies decomposing on the sidewalk in suitcases? That is some Baghdad type s&^%.

Poor Mayor Bloomberg. He is under siege, and he is calling for stricter gun laws in the "Big Apple." "I'll give you my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!" Good luck with that.

Still, even though folks are saying that crime is back on the rise in Zoo Yawk, there is evidence to suggest otherwise. But you know what they say: "Perception is reality".

Right now the perception is that crime is on the rise, and that could mean less fannies in the seats on Broadway. That's the last thing we need. Do you all remember what happened the last time that an out of work actor had too much time on his hands? 

I bet all those folks who were down in South Carolina today remember.......Let me stop. Happy Labor day everybody!

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