Thursday, June 24, 2010

Gretchen Carlson for President!

I know certain people won't like this post, but I am sorry, I have to go there.

Once again I have to dedicate some space and a little of my time to my friends over at Radio Rwanda and objurgate them for their behavior. My rant tonight will be focused on the clowns who ply their wares in the A.M. over at that joke of a network. And while it's true that I will always strike a discordant note when it comes to these folks, I have to do my part to try and save this republic from itself.

We all know that the folks over at Radio Rwanda have issues with some folks, and we have learned to live with that. Most of us who happen to have a certain hue do our best to ignore them, and people who actually use their brains more than their mouths tend to tune them out. But we would be fooling ourselves if we did not think that they are relevant in the larger scheme of things because of their popularity and influence over a certain segment of our population.

So what is it, you say, that has me thinking of my contemptible friends? Well, it seems that the usually voluble Gretchen Carlson compared her job to that of the president of these divided states. Yep, she said it:

"This is what being President of the United States is all about. It’s these tough, huge, monumental decisions. It’s not about how you run a campaign, it’s not about whether or not you’re popular, it’s not about whether you’re a celebrity or good-looking or tall or short. It’s in a time of crisis, making these executive decisions. It’s just like our job…what’s the role of an anchor during huge breaking news? You remember growing up? You’d tune to the television, and that one moment during the year, they would have to carry a story all along, It’s the same thing as being the President of the United States!”

"IT'S JUST LIKE OUR JOB"? WTF? Hey, I know the folks over at Radio Rwanda don't think much of his Oness, but have they really reduced his level of importance to a Radio Rwanda anchor? Wow! And Michelle, please watch your man; that trick thinks he is "good-looking".

Anyway, the sun will come out tomorrow, and the Radio Rwanda & Friends folks will be right there, front and center, in red state living rooms. The coffee just wouldn't be the same without a daily dose of indoctrination.

And speaking of daily. A man named Stewart who has a show by that name, did a nice job of putting this all in perspective on his show recently. He is a comedian, but it's all kind of appropriate, because I am sure that we all know by now that the main stream media in this country is a joke.

Oh, and before I go; congrats to Landon Donovan and the American football (soccer) team for making football (soccer) fans of millions of fence sitters in this country. That was a nice win. And you almost got robbed again after yet another clueless linesman called offside on a goal that was clearly onside. It should be fun watching the game against the "Black Stars" Saturday. (Why do I keep hearing"Fred Locks" in my head?) Bob Bradley might want to invite Slick Willie to the game. The man is a living breathing lucky charm.

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