Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Those Jews, again.

"The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.” ~Elbert Hubbard~

I said, in my post yesterday, that I would wait for all the facts about this [so called] humanitarian flotilla before I took a position on the justification of the Israeli actions.

Sadly, I still don't have all of the facts, but I am getting close.

First, I see that the UN Security Council issued a statement today about the boarding of the flotilla ships by the IDF, but they did not blame either side. Although, I must say, that they had very harsh words for the IDF's actions. Hmmm, seems that his O ness is taking a wait and see attitude as well. (What did you expect, his right hand man is Jewish.) And I must say that this puts our girl Hillary and his O ness in a sticky situation. Turkey is pissed at Israel and it ain't going to get an easier. What's a super power who views both countries as allies in a volatile region to do?

So how did we get here? Well, I won't go this far, but I am not going to jump on the blame the Jew bandwagon, either. Besides, I have issues with these IHH folks. Serious issues. In fact, I have so many issues with them, that I found myself reading Melanie Phillips:

"As the international community rushes to condemn Israel for the violence on board one of the ships in the Gaza flotilla, which left a reported 10 people dead and dozens injured, it is now obvious that the real purpose of this ‘armada of hate’ was not merely the further delegitimisation of Israel but something far worse.

Gaza’s markets are full of produce, thousands of tons of supplies are travelling into Gaza every week through the Israeli-controlled border crossings, and there is no starvation or humanitarian crisis. It was always obvious that the flotilla was not the humanitarian exercise it was said to be. Here is footage of the IDF offering to dock the Marmara -- the main flotilla ship -- at Ashdod and transfer its supplies and being told ‘Negative, negative, our destination is Gaza’.

And now we can see that the real purpose of this invasion -- backed by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), a radical Islamic organization outlawed by Israel in 2008 for allegedly serving as a major component in Hamas’s global fund-raising machine -- was to incite a violent uprising in the Middle East and across the Islamic world. As I write, reports are coming in of Arab rioting in Jerusalem."

The notion – uncritically swallowed by the lazy, ignorant and bigoted BBC and other western media – that the flotilla organisers are ‘peace activists’ is simply ludicrous. This research by the Danish Institute for International Studies details the part played by the IHH in Islamist terror in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Chechnya. According to the French magistrate Jean-Louis Bruguiere testifying at the Seattle trial of would-be al Qaeda Millenium bomber Ahmed Ressamin, the IHH had played ‘[a]n important role’ in the al Qaeda Millenium bomb plot targeting Los Angeles airport. It was also involved in weapons trafficking, and played in addition a key role in galvanizing anti-Western sentiment among Turkish Muslims in the lead-up to the 2003 war in Iraq. ‘Peace activists’ these people most certainly are not.

And this flotilla was but the latest jihadi attack, deploying the Islamists’ signature strategy of violence and media manipulation. Here from MEMRI (via Just Journalism) is a clip showing the hysteria against Israel being whipped up on board before the ships set sail, with the chanting of intifada songs about ‘Khaybar’ – the iconic slaughter of Jews by Muslims..." [Article]

Oh yes, "Khaybar"! Is that what they were yelling on that video tape? Let me watch that again....yep, that's what they seem to be saying. Nice word that "Khaybar", you folks might want to look it up.

And speaking of video, since I am still getting all the facts; I wonder if one of my resident gun experts could look at that video of the IDF soldier again and tell me if he seems to be carrying a real gun on his back, or if it's a paint gun as the Israeli government suggests?[ Shady Grady, could you help a brotha out, please?] Yes, that's important as well.

Oh well, I sure hope that this isn't true, or this. I do know what that the Israeli army is investigating their tactics (as they should) and that they have agreed to change their policy somewhat when it comes to supplies to Gaza. We will see. And just so folks don't accuse me of being[un] fair and [un]balanced; it's important to know the other side as well.

Hey, I want as much to come out as possible, because I want to make sure that I get my facts straight. Unlike some people who have already made up their minds.

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