Saturday, June 12, 2010


I would have posted earlier tonight, but I just stopped laughing long enough to actually try and post something. Why was I laughing, you say? Well I will tell you why: While riding in my car earlier today, I heard a host on some local talk show wonder out loud about the number of "AFRICAN AMERICANS PLAYING ON THE BRITISH SOCCER TEAM" ???????? Let that sink in a minute.........Yep, he really said that. See why I was laughing? Help us lawd!!!!

Anywhoo, I don't really want to get a rep as a racism chaser...... and if it wasn't a slow news night I wouldn't even post the following story. But someone sent it to me and I thought it would be interesting to see how different people react to the same video.

It's another case of the po po gone wild in yet another urban outpost of A-merry-ca. Now, to be fair, being a po po anywhere is a tough job, so please believe that I understand when they go close to the line sometimes. Still, I don't think they should ever cross that line. No matter how stressed they are.

So now comes the following story from my man Dr. Boyce over at AOL Black Voices: (I swear this man has better Air R's than I do.)

"I am not quite sure what to make of the ruffled YouTube video that is now scouring the web out of Paterson, New Jersey. In the video, the woman filming, who mentions that her mother works in the sheriff's office, is taping a New Jersey police officer holding a black man to the ground. The man clearly has his hands behind his back and appears to be restrained. As the woman videos the incident from a distance, the officer inexplicably grabs the man, turns him around and puts pepper spray into his eyes. He appears to do it twice...."

Dr. Boyce has obviously made up his mind. After seeing the video, how about you?

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