Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Enough of Weinergate, let's talk about Elmo.

I was hoping this was the end of Weinergate, but apparently everyone wants to get in their 15 minutes of fame before we can finally call it a wrap.- Ginger Lee, we see you.- Andrew Breitfart is peddling his book, so this couldn't come at a better time for him. I wonder if he talked about all the deviant s&^% he did while he was at Tulane? (I am not just talking partying and drinking.) I sure hope so. No one wants to read a sanitized version of the truth.

The guy was everywhere today, and he was gloating over his latest liberal scalp. It must be nice.

And why not? Even mainstream news organizations want to get into the act.( ABC paid how much to license those photos?)

Anthony, you should have listened to me and came clean. This would have been over days ago.

Anyway, I hope you don't resign. If David Vitter can pay a prostitute to have sex with him and still get reelected in very red Louisiana I am sure that you will be fine with your constituents. Don't listen to the hypocrites on the right calling for you to step down. Ask them why they weren't saying the same thing when Vitter was faking a public apology and going all Jimmy Swaggart on television. At least you apologized; Vitter, on the other hand, not so much. Diapers Mr. Vitter?! Now there is a freak.

Anthony, call another press conference tomorrow and tell A-merry-ca that you will resign if David Vitter resigns and let's see where the chips fall. Who knows? He just might do the right thing and do what his predecessor -another hypocrite from Louisiana- did in the midst of the Clinton Lewinsky scandal, but I doubt it.

Finally, just when you thought that wingnuts couldn't get any nuttier, they do.

Now they are attacking Elmo for being a liberal and having an "evil conservative bias". And what's really pissing off my friends on the right is that they believe that the Sesame Street gang is dumbing down black and Latino children. Yes, you read that correctly. Not a poor family structure, not a lack of a proper education, and not a lack of proper resources in their homes; but Sesame Street.

Still, I am disappointed. I was hoping that the Cookie Monster was the most liberal of the bunch. He is my favorite. [Story]

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