Thursday, June 9, 2011

Jumping the good ship, Newt.

I was just in the gym, and I was listening to everything from Ace Hood to Barry Manilow on my iPod. Now if that ain't mixed up and confused I don't know what is. But I am like that with my music, my food, and with people. Yes, people.

I like all types of different things and cultures. With all due respect to Forrest Gump; life should be like a bowl of gumbo, not a box of chocolate. Honestly, how can you grow as a human being if you just stay stuck in your own little corner of the trailer park, the housing project, or your gated community? You have got to at least try to emancipate your mind and open up to new horizons.

Which is why I am wondering about certain people tonight. You know the ones. They are always the first to be "color aroused", (thanks for that word, Francis) point fingers at the other side or at those people, and they lock in the hardest to the talking points given to them by the puppet masters who control their thoughts and their lives. Of course, while they are doing this, they always seem to fail to take control of their own miserable and pathetic lives.

It's always easier to point fingers than to look in the mirror. Sadly, when some folks look in the mirror, they never like what they see.

Now on to the man who "cheated on his wives for America." Newt, over the objections of his senior staffers, though he could take a little cruise in the middle of his campaign. (Who takes a vacation so early in his campaign?) Newt, as men tend to do at times, listened to his wife and not the folks running the campaign; so he set sail on the Mediterranean. And now those folks are gone. Poof! Just like that! No more campaign staff.

Poor Newt, I don't think he likes what he sees when he looks in the mirror. I don't think his wife does, either. Thank god for Tiffany & Co.

Finally, I wish these phony dumbocrats would stop calling for Weiner's head. Unless he broke a law he should stay right where he is. His constituents like him, and from the looks of the latest polls they want him back. So Mr. Weiner, screw those phonies in Washington and focus on the people who sent you there.

They previously supported law breakers and Bubba when the chubby brunette was wetting his whistle, they should support you.

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