Sunday, June 19, 2011

In praise of AMC and Father's Day. And a phony Obama gets the boot.

I am having "The Killing" withdrawals already. Now what am I supposed to do at 10:00PM on Sunday nights? With all due respect to HBO, AMC is fast becoming the best channel on television for original programming.

So anyway, another Father's Day has come and gone. Hopefully, putting some focus on one particular day will continue to make us aware of the importance of being  good fathers. Clearly this guy wasn't a good father, and these guys more than likely weren't raised by one. But I suspect that most of you reading this are good fathers and were raised by good men. I know that I was. My father was the kind of man who was as comfortable with college presidents and Prime Ministers as he was with the "average Joe" on the street. He taught me the importance of judging people by their character and and not their title or the size of their bank book. He loved the same woman as long as I knew him, and he raised his two children to value education, family, and the community in which they live.

In the black community, now, more than ever, we need good fathers. I am glad that our president is a good role model in that respect. But we need the cab driver, the cop, and every dude in the neighborhood pushing a nine to five (even the ones who aren't) to be good role models as well.      

Finally, I see that those oh so sensitive republiclowns yanked an Obama impersonator after his "tasteless Jokes" at their Leadership Conference in New Orleans.

Funny, they didn't yank my man until he started telling jokes about the republiclown candidates. It seems that only tasteless jokes about O will be tolerated by my wingnut friends.

Sorry Reggie, I hope that you at least got your check before you left.


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